Ryne came into my room about 3 this morning, she said she had a bad dream so I let her snuggle with me. I told her she could stay with me for a few minutes but then she needed to go to bed, then I brushed her hair back and realized she had a temperature! I didn't push her going back to her own bed, Dana was up anyway getting ready for work so I let her stay.
So we had a sick day. Kaleb went to school at 11, even though she was sick Ryne helped me get the house all cleaned up, then she lounged on the couch with Ellie before her nap time. Ellie LOVED having her big sister around.

After we laid Ellie down for a nap we popped some popcorn and got to work on a Christmas tree that Ryne was suppose to do for school. She had some much fun with the glitter paint, I found some old beads from a broken necklace, and some mini ornaments I let her use, it was fun working with her on it!

Ryne with the finished tree, she is so proud of it!

A week or so ago our neighbor brought over some little Christmas ornaments for the kids to paint, since I don't trust Kaleb with paints (yes even if I'm right there). So I decided that I would let Ryne do it, we each painted 4 ornaments..
This is Ryne's sock

my little snowman.

We hug them on the "post" in the kitchen. I love when the sun hits them they look awesome, I guess that's why they are called "sun catchers" :)

After we were done with the ornaments, we watched a movie and enjoyed a cup of chocolate milk and some popcorn. Today I realized how much I miss spending some one on one time with Ryne, I get too with the other kids but not with her and boy oh boy do I miss it. We had so much fun, as much as I want her to get better I really enjoyed our sick day!