Last week was a busy one, my hubby was preparing to leave for a trip to Illinois to pick up a car his parents are giving us (THANK YOU BILL AND NANCY!!), and we had picture day, and IEP meetings, Karate, scouts and well you get the idea we were busy. So now that I have a minute to sit and blog I will catch everyone up on what's going on with us.
Dana flew out on Friday to pick up a car, I am so excited to have a car during the day!! The kids are still getting use to it, they are so use to not having a car that when they look in the car port and see it there they think Dana is home!! I was glad to have to car on Friday, we dropped Dane off at the Airport by 7:30 then we headed home, we had just enough time to get Ryne dressed and fed before I had to take her to school, she thought it was the coolest thing ever to be in the "parent drop off line" she asked if we could do it more now that we have a car. Kaleb's bus didn't show up it's suppose to be here by 10:49 although they usually don't get here till 11, we waited till 20 after I didn't hear anything from the school and quite frankly I wasn't about to call transportation, they get irritated when parents call (the bus drivers do that is), so we hopped in the car, the teacher was really surprised when I dropped him off, I told her about the bus then she informed me they decided to have a fire drill at 10:30 so the buses had to wait NICE. I'm sorry but that's a stupid time to have a fire drill. I had an appointment at 3 with Kaleb's teacher and therapists to go over his IEP and to talk with and OT that evaluated him. I have been to a couple IEP meetings before so I wasn't really expecting to hear somethings, and I am still trying to process them, I am going to talk to Kaleb's pediatrician about these new concerns and to take steps to find out what is going on with him, when I know more, you will know more. We had a little incident, my meeting was suppose to be done by 3:30 so that I could be home in time to get Ryne off the bus, well it went over do to the OT being a little late cause she was coming from another school that's a far distance away, so I got don't right at 4 that's when Ryne gets home. Well I thought about that earlier, I told Marryne that if I wasn't at the bus stop that I would leave the house unlocked, she was to walk home not say a word about no one being home and just and lock the door, so when my meeting went over I wasn't panicked until I realized I didn't unlock the door!!!!!! I panicked, I got home as quick as I could of course hitting every red light possible, she wasn't on the front porch I check the back porch no sign of her, once the other kids were inside I went looking for her, my first thought was to check the front office, and sure enough she was there poor thing was in tears. She hadn't been there more than a few minutes, she thought I would be mad that she wasn't at the house, I told her she did the right thing by going to the office, I apologized for not being leaving the door unlocked she responded with "that's why I need my own key!". I promised it wouldn't happen again, I'm glad I was only a couple of mins late but still I shouldn't have been.
It is really strange to look out and see the car, I'm not use to it being there and I think of all the possibilities, I can make Dr. appointments during the day, and I can pick up sick kids from school, and I can take Ellie to the park or library, oh the possibilities are endless, and it is so nice. Getting the other car was unexpected, we were figuring it would be another year of saving before we could afford to get another car, then Dane's parents got new cars and were planning on donating there old ones, we talked to them and they agreed to give us one if Dane could drive it home. Dane is making a vacation out of it ,on his way home he is going to visit a friend and his sister in Texas. The kids are having a hard time adjusting to Dane not being here, Kaleb especially but we are doing fine, I am actually kinda liking it cause the house and car are VERY clean and they are staying that way!! Also speaking of cars we made the last payment for our Rendezvous this month WAAHHOOO!! I am so excited now we own 2 cars free and clear, and we have a few extra bucks to put towards things we really need, I am so stoked!!
Ok well I think that's it for now, I'm sure I will think of more things to add later! :)