This sweet girl turned 2 months on. Monday.Time has gone by fast but at the same time seems to stand still when I watch this sweet sleeping baby.
Maeley is such a sweet little girl, she is very calm and relaxed. She has the most gorgeous and wise eyes for such a tiny and new person! One look into those " baby blues"and you are drawn in wondering what she knows and what she is thinking.
The kids absolutely love her, someone is always playing with her, holding her or just talking to her, they all love getting to know her.
Maeley seems to finally be in a good night time routine, she eats st 8:30 p.m. sleeps till about 1 a.m. goes back to sleep around 1:30 and sleeps til 5 or 6, its been great! Now with all the good stuff there is some not so good stuff like when her tummy hurts cause mommy ate garlic or something else that gives her gas and all she can do is cry out in pain, or the times she is sound asleep and is rudely awakened by one of the older kids ( Ellie) who thinks it's a good idea to get chop sticks and drum right next to her head! There's also those times when the baby wants nothing to do with anything but eating, and no house work gets done! But I wouldn't change it for the world I love her crankyness, sweet smiles, sometimes sleepless nights & everything in between!
Ok enough chit chat here are her stats:
She is a whopping 7lbs 12oz & 22 inches long. She is a tiny thing for sure, the Dr. isn't too concerned about her weight shes continuing to gain weight just very very slowly!
Some of her favorite activity's still include sleeping, eating & pooping she has added spitting up, smiling and cooing to the list!
I finished Maeley's Halloween costume, pictures to come soon it's cute!
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