Since Christmas was pretty sucky this year and Santa didn't get to bring what he had intended for the Lamps children, Santa and the Easter bunny talked it over and decided the Easter Bunny would bring them their special gifts just this once, the children needed know to & be very aware that this is not going to happen every year! The Easter Bunny left a trail of carrot shaped eggs at the end of the trail the kids found BIKES!
Ok now I'm gonna bring this down a not and get all serious.
We were talking to the kids about the real meaning of Easter last night, something Dane said got me thinking. He brought up the movie the Rise of the Guardians, each of the guardians have a "center" or a meaning to their respective holidays Father Norths is wonder, Jack Frost's is being able to have fun and help others, Sandman's was holding onto and believing in your dreams, the Easter Bunny's was hope and new beginnings. Dane talked about how the Savior was our hope and how he gave us our new beginning.
Hope was something we clung to when Ellie was in the hospital. When the sedation meds would wear off and she would have a moment of being awake, parts of her personality would show through that gave us so much hope, every movement she made gave us HOPE that all would be well that she would be our little Ellie again. Ellie has come a long way she is our Ellie just tweaked a bit! We have been given a new beginning with her and our other children, our eyes were opened to how precious our lives and the lives of our children are, it can all be taken away from you in the blink of an eye, we try to live in the now, soak up every moment we have with our loved ones, we try and not to linger on the negative I'm finding it's such a waist of precious time. Our Savior and Redeemer lived and died to give us HOPE and and new beginning, we need to have faith in him, and live our lives they way we are suppose to. I know that my REDEEMER lives! I wish everyone a Happy Easter, find hope in something and start over new!