Maeley is 1!!

A year ago today I woke in the middle of the night in labor, but I was in complete DENIAL telling myself that it was just braxton hicks and it would go away, I waited 4 hrs before saying anything to the hubs, and even then I drew myself a bath insisting that it would help the contractions (that were 3 mins apart) go away, he stared at me told me we needed to go but I insisted I wanted to make sure this was the "real deal". Now mind you I have had 3 other kids you would think I would know when I am in labor, but I was induced with the first 2 and the 3rd one was so quick there was no question I was in labor. Ok so finally while I was breathing through what I was convinced was a false contraction(which the warm bath was not helping), Dane held up a towel and insisted we go to the hospital NOW!! I finally gave in, we woke up my mom to let her know we were headed to the hospital, we arrived at the hospital around 3:30 a.m., they hooked me up and monitored me for a couple of hrs, to make sure I was in "real" labor by 6 they decided I wasn't going anywhere, labor was progressing fast (they were amazed I didn't want pain meds), they finally admitted me, we had to wait another couple of hrs before they could move me to room( there was a full moon, labor and delivery was booked). I was a little annoyed cause I really felt like I could have done all that laboring at home (which I prefer)
They finally got me into a room around 9 and wouldn't you know it my labor stalled!! First time EVER this has happened to me, I walked, bounced on the exercise ball, jogged ANYTHING to get labor going again, but nothin happened! My Doc finally ordered some pitocin, it didn't take much to get labor going again, by 10 I was at a 9 and 95% effaced, we were just waiting on the Doc. My Doc came in around 11 decided to break my water, he left saying he was in the process of moving but was only 10 mins away, now mind you I have had 3 children before and all of them had been delivered within 20 mins of my water breaking, I told him not to leave that it wouldn't be long, he didn't listen (big surprise there!) and he left and guess what? Maeley Elizabeth was born at 11:27 a.m.
without the help of nurses, cause apparently they didn't believe me when I said I had to push, they didn't break the bed down or have anything ready for the baby, they just told me to hold my own legs(while one nurse laid my bed down so I had no support) and push figuring it would take 3 or 4 pushes before baby was anywhere near engaged in the canal, yeah one push and Mae's head was out, one nurse was shocked and said "oh I should call the Dr!" YA THINK!!!! They called him but there was no point, even only being 10 mins away I knew he wouldn't make it! Still no nurses rushed to my aide so I continued to push, I was surprised no one was guiding her out, I finally reached down my self and turned her head to allow her shoulders to come out (this is not easy by the way), one of her shoulders got stuck to which one nurse (the one who laid my bed down) said "oh her shoulders stuck just push harder", this is the first time EVER I have screamed during labor (remember I have had other kids with no epideral), but holy cow that shoulder getting stuck hurt like a mutha!
Finally after I screamed a nurse that was walking by the room came in and took control (even though Mae was pretty much out). I was a little nervous since Mae didn't cry right away, and I couldn't help but cry cause let's face it this pregnancy had been really hard on me emotionally. I was so happy when I heard her cry and they put her in my arms, I held her skin to skin right away and was able to nurse her right off the bat (first time ever) it was such an awesome moment.

This last year has gone by so dang fast, but we have enjoyed every minute of it! It's hard to imagine our
family without Maeley, she has been the most relaxed and chill baby I have had which has been a HUGE blessing, especially while Ellie was in the hospital. Ellie is attached to Mae she was the first kid in our family that she recognized after waking up from her coma. Marryne has been such great helper with Maeley, and Kaleb has really enjoyed Maeley (which is big for him). We love Maeley so much and can't wait for many more years with her. I can't wait to see more of Mae's personality come through, she is such a ham and she really loves all her siblings! HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet MAELEY we love you TONS!!!