Two years ago we were praying that Ellie would see her 4th birthday and today she turns 6!!! It's crazy to look through these pics of her growing up and see the changes. Ellie is AWESOME! She has been through more in her short little 6 years then most adults, she is a FIGHTER, she has always reminded me of my Grandma Dale (my moms mom) she was a tiny woman, and had her fair share of trials but she never gave up she was determined to fight her way through things. When Ellie was in the hospital one feeling that I had was that my grandma was there coaching her and telling her it wasn't her time and that she needed to fight, at the time I took a lot of comfort in that, if there was one person that could teach her to stay strong, it was my grandma! Ellie is KIND and COMPASSIONATE now she does yell at her siblings (and me) a lot, but she is the first one to ask if your ok if your hurt, she is the first one to give you her favorite blanket and tuck you in if you fall asleep, the first one to give you a hug when you've had a bad day and can't stop crying, she is the first one to tell you everything is going to be ok. Ellie is HAPPY! She is one of the happiest people I know, there are days when she does nothing but cry or scream, but even on those days she has these fleeting moments of happiness, and her smile will brighten anyone's day.You can't help but be happy when she is around, the happiness that radiates from her is contagious! Ellie is a MIRACLE! She has stared death in the face more then once and has been granted the gift of life each time. Ellie is a BLESSING a GIFT from our Heavenly Father I don't know what I did to deserve to have her my care such a sweet and special little girl, but I love her with all my heart, I have learned so much from her I an truly thankful for her and all the blessings and trials that have come from being her mother.
What better way to celebrate her life then through pictures!
Ellie is about a month old in these pics. (February 09)
1 years old! Spaghetti has always been her favorite! She loves to be out doors! ( February 2010)
2 yrs old! I love the picture on the left! She runs everywhere just like her brother! (March 2011)
3! Pretty in pink, if you ask her what her favorite color is she will say pink glitter! (2012)
This was January 1st 2013, the day that she was brought out of her medically induced coma.
January 5th 2013, Physical therapy, she started walking again!
January 30th 2013. Ellie's 4th birthday was memorable for many reasons, but one of the coolest reasons is because the Firefighters that were the first responders to her accident, picked her up in their Firetruck and drove her to school!
March 2013, we were shopping for Easter dresses!

5 years old! Pre-school graduation (may 2014) Kindergarten registration (august 2014)
6 years old!!! I love this girl Forever and Always!Happy Birthday Ellie!