Lamps Happenings in 2009January- Marryne turned 4 and started pre-school. We welcomed another healthy baby girl Eleanor "Ellie" Grace Lamps to our family on the 30th.
February- Ellie was blessed and Heather's sister and her family from Japan were able to be there!
Dana started loosing weight, he started at 385lbs.
March- We celebrated Kaleb's 3rd birthday.
April- Heather celebrated her 27th birthday with friends.
May- Ryne "graduated" from pre-school and the summer began!
June- Ellie was admitted into the hospital do to dehydration, but she recovered quickly and was able to go home after 3 days of being in the hospital.
July- We celebrated the 4th by going to the lake and then to fire works at the local high school.
August- Ryne started another year of pre-school, she is looking forward to kindergarten next year!
September- Kaleb was excited to start pre-school, he loves his teachers and he has made a lot of new friends!
October- Heather was in charge of our Ward Halloween party, although it was stressful at times, there was a great turn out! Ryne was super girl, Kaleb was superman, Ellie was a lady bug, Dana was a Jedi and Heather was a medieval Lady.
November- It was just us this year for Thanksgiving but it was very enjoyable, the kids loved watching the Macy's Day Parade, Ryne especially loved the Rockets she has decided that she wants to be one when she grows up!
December- We traveled to Idaho for Christmas, on the way up our car broke down just outside of Cedar City, it was quite an adventure but we were able to make it to Idaho safely and we had a FANTASTIC Christmas!
Dana is down to 260lbs, and still going!!
This year has brought us many challenges but in the end we have truly been blessed. We have learned so much this past year(mostly do to trial and error!). , we have grown so much a s a family this last year,we know this new year will bring many new challenges for our family, but we know that they will only make us stronger. We hope you all have a wonderful New Year, and God Bless!!