Us in our traditional Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve, this is the first year Dana and I have had ones that match the kids, the kids loved it!

The kids loved jumping on the bed singing 'Tis Christmas Eve, I think it was the highlight of their evening!

Ellie even got into it!

Christmas morning, all lined up and ready to see what Santa brought! (don't I just look thrilled!)

Kaleb was the first to find his Santa stuff, he actually noticed the chocolate first and then the toys!

Ryne loved her tea set and Care Bear that Santa brought! The Care Bear was one of the things she asked Santa to bring and she was just thrilled!

Ellie with her Santa stuff, I think she could feel all the excitement and it caught on!

After we were done with presents and our traditional "Christmas breakfast" we got on all of our snow stuff and went outside to test out the sleds Santa brought! Since my parents really don't have any really good hills close by we tied the sleds to the back of my brothers car and he drove us around my parents property it was a blast!! Kaleb is sitting on my lap he was so COLD so he tucked his head under!

I took this pic of Dane while I was next to him, I almost fell out of my sled!

Ryne and Kaleb having a blast! Kaleb kept turning around while we were pulling the sled, we thought for sure he would fall out but surprisingly he didn't!

Ryne's very first snow angel!

We had so much fun yesterday and today! This really has been the best Christmas ever and not because of all the presents, but because of all the family that we had surrounding us! I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ for the sacrifices they made, so that I could spend this day with my family, so I say to them thank you. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
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