I feel like the mom off The
Incredibles, in one scene she is talking to her husband and she says"we are now officially moved in ha ha ha.." and the husband replies with "...and the last 3 yrs don't count because...."and the wife responds to that with " cause I finally unpacked the last box!." We have been in this house for 2 yrs now 3 in October, anyway and I finally went through my computer room that is also a sewing room and our storage area and unpacked the last box, now all that is in there is holiday boxes, camping gear and old kids clothes but that's it, so I feel really accomplished!! I really did feel "super" today, I got the house cleaned from top to bottom and even took some time out to play at the pool. It made me feel so good to do some much needed deep cleaning not just with the house but myself as well. When I get really stressed my outlet is to clean and I think that it's because not only am I cleaning all the unwanted stuff out of the house, I am also getting rid of all the unwanted stuff that is making me feel so bad and ya know I feel great deep down like there isn't anything I can't do. I don't feel cramped and over loaded anymore, just like my computer room has so much more space now that all the junk is gone. What a wonderful feeling!!
So I have to share some funny things that Marryne said to me this morning while we were cleaning the house. Well first let me give ya little back story lately Dana and Marryne have been having some very good talks about Heavenly Father and Jesus, yesterday their discussion was about the Creation. Now Dana explained it very well to her so that she would understand he told her all about the things that they created for us and gave to us. Ok now that ya know that I will tell ya how our conversation went. Marryne started by telling me all about how Heavenly Father and Jesus created the Earth, and the animals and the food... now this is how the rest of the conversation went:
Marryne: " Jesus made the guy (Adam), and he made Eve so the guy wouldn't be scared."
Me: " Oh really?"
Marryne: "Yeah and he gave us lot's of things."
Me: "Like what?"
she stopped to think about it for a minute and then came up with this
Marryne: "I know (with finger in the air), he gave buddy a penis, and he gave me and Ellie vagina's!!!"
Now I wasn't expecting that I started laughing and looked at her and she was quite serious and she went on to say....
Marryne: " Jesus likes it when we go pee pee and poop in the potty cause we are being good, but he doesn't like it when Kaleb poops and pees on the floor!"
Marryne looked at me laughing my head and and still very serious waiting for my answer,and this is all I could come up with.
Me: "Oh really?"
she just looked at me with glaring eyes and said "yes! and he doesn't like you laughing at me, you are being mean."
Well that sobered me up, but hey it was really funny. I told Dana about it and he said that he had no idea where that came from. All though it might be a little irreverent there is truth in it.
So that little conversation kicked my day off, I was in a pretty good mood after that. Today really was a great day, even though we were busy we still had some laughs and to top it all off it was a beautiful cool night and the sunset was gorgeous. Well now that I am done, I'm going to have a tall glass of chocolate milk and a bite of my candy bar and go to bed.