So today was loaded with some "firsts", luckily for me I had my camera!! Let's start with Kaleb, as we were getting ready to leave the pool this morning Dana decided it would be a good idea to take Kaleb to the bathroom. While I was getting everything ready to go I heard Kaleb crying and Dana yelling for me, my first thought was to drop everything and go to them right away and then I realized that I left the baby on the picnic table( not the best place to leave a rolling baby!!)so I ran back to get her. Meanwhile Kaleb is now hysterical and Dana is still yelling for me. Long story short Kaleb somehow got his foot stuck under the heavy metal door, when we finally got his foot free we saw that his big toe was pretty mangled. Dana carries him home cause he is still crying, once we get home I get out the hydrogen peroxide so I can clean it Kaleb gets hysterical the second he sees it which I find funny because I have never used it on him before, this is the first "first" of the day! Anyway after a major battle I finally get it cleaned and bandaged ( I swear cleaning it was worse than the actual injury!)all is well, well then I notice that he isn't putting any pressure on it at all so I take another look and wouldn't ya know it it is broken. Kaleb is now the first one of my kids to break a bone. But I am still counting my blessings cause it could have been worse.
Now on to some good "firsts" Ellie got her ears pierced today, although I am sure she didn't think that it was good I did. She did very well she only cried for a few seconds once they got the earrings in I gave her a bottle and wa la no more tears. So she now looks very beautiful in her new earrings. Another first for Ellie was her first taste of baby cereal, I was surprised at how well she did, she only ate 5 spoonfuls but she opened her mouth right away. And for the first time since I had Ellie I have lost a significant amount of weight, I stepped on the scale this afternoon and to my surprise I lost 5 lbs!! I couldn't believe it so I double checked, only 10 more lbs to go. So even though some of today's "firsts" were filled with tears instead of happiness and giggles it was still a good day and I have the pictures to prove it.=)
She looks very frightened in this one, but you can see her earrings a little better in this one.

The bloody toe. It has changed color, now it's black and blue with an interesting shade of purple!!

This one is kinda blurry, it looked worse when it was all bloody, it hasn't been cleaned yet in this shot but I did kinda soaked up some of the blood. It's still pretty gross though. =)

I just thought this one was cute although this is the first time she has fallen asleep in the jumper roo!

I had a pic of her with her face covered in it but I must not have downloaded it I will go back and do it later, anyway this was a pretty cute one.

This was her fist spoonful and she opened up right away!!

It's kinda hard to tell in this picture but you can see the dark earrings, we got her birthstone garnet.

WOw you guys had a very full day! Sorry to hear about Kaleb's foot, that really stinks! As for Ellie cute earrings! Woo Hoo! Ill be doing that soon:)