Ryne and her new friend Kaelah showin off their costumes in the little costume parade.

Doesn't she make the cutest Alice!? She was so giddy it was great!

Kaleb as The Flash, he wouldn't look at the camera so this was the best I could get!I think Kaleb's costume is very fitting for him, considering I can't get him to stand still, and I sure can't keep up with him he truly is "THE FLASH!"

Ellie as Raggedy Anne, she wore the red wig for about the first 5 minutes of the party then ripped it off, and she smothered her makeup a couple of minutes after I put it on. Everyone seemed to know who she was suppose to be without those things so it was all good and she had a blast running and chasing the older kids.

Can you guess what Dane went as? He has a bat and he's a man, get it BATMAN!!!! :)

I went as a Hippie and I think it's sad to say that I was able to just pull these clothes from my closet! Ellie and I chillin on the couch after the party. The kids had so much fun, they loved showing off their costumes.

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