Craft a Day keeps the boredom away is having a sew and tell contest go HERE for details. Ya have to make some clothing with stuff from your stash or a thrift store.
When I read about the contest the first thing I thought about were these adorable outfits my mom and I made for my girls over the summer for my 10 yr class reunion.

Ya know in the movie Sound of music where Julie Andrews makes the kids play clothes out of old drapes? Well instead of drapes my mom and I found an old red checkered flower table cloth of my grandmother's, we thought it would make some cute outfits for my girls. We paired the table cloth with some white by the yard eyelet, some white eyelet trim for the sleeves and bottom of the pants, some cute red and white flower buttons, all of which my mom had in her stash! We added a little flower on the front with a red and white flower button that was perfect....

it added just the right finishing touch! I had just enough of the table cloth left over to make each girl a matching hair bow.

I love how everything turned out. Super cute outfits and heirlooms all rolled into one how cool is that!!? Go check out the other cool cloths that have been linked up!