Last week Kaleb and I went birthday shopping for Ryne, while stopped at a light Kaleb asks from the back seat "Mom, do you know what echolocation is?" I was shocked by the question I repeated "Echolocation!?", "YES!!" he said "ya know it's what dolphins have they make a noise under the water and it echo's off the rocks and fish, it's how they don't bump into things! Didn't you know that?" still stumped I said nothing then to break the silence he yells from the back seat "It's like this ECHO, ECHO, echo, echo (now to a whisper)eeeecccchhhhoooo!" I couldn't help but laugh he totally cracked me up and stumped me it took me awhile to come up with where he came up with echolocation and it's meaning. For those who don't know here is the definition:
ech·o·lo·ca·tion (
n. In both senses also called echo ranging.
1. A sensory system in certain animals, such as bats and dolphins, in which usually high-pitched sounds are emitted and their echoes interpreted to determine the direction and distance of objects.
We had watched Free Willy Escape from Pirates cove the night before, the thing was Kaleb was in his room the whole time except coming out occasionally to say hi and get a glass of water. He wasn't interested in the movie at all and didn't pay attention (or so I thought) to it. They did indeed talk about echolocation and how it is used. I asked Kaleb where he got it from he said "I don't know I just heard it somewhere!". Seriously what a smart kid, even if he had watched and paid attention to the movie I wouldn't think that a 4 year old hearing it only once would remember it and be able to repeat it. I have to say I was truly impressed.
While in the bathroom doing hair Kaleb climbed into the bathtub and proceeded to close the curtain. I asked him what he was doing he peaked his head out and exclaimed happily "Putting on a show!" he then opened the curtain took and bow and started singing a song he made up about straws! Yes straws, I will be honest I did tune him out here and there, so I really didn't hear the whole song, but the part that cracked me up was this "Everyone, yes everyone loves straws, the whole universe loves SSSTTTRRRAAAWWWSSS!!". He has quite the imagination, the fact that he used the word universe was surprising. I asked him if he even knew what universe meant he smiled from ear to ear and said "YUP, it's the planets, stars and other crap!" Seriously never a dull moment with this kid around!
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