Ellie's well check was scheduled for Tuesday the 1st, but she decided to get the flu, a double ear infection and strep throat hence we had to push back the appointment. We went in Friday the 5th, all the antibiotics and breathing treatments she is on is working (HOORAY!) and she is fit as a fiddle (except for the cough that sounds like she is dying). Here are her stats: She weighs 25.3 lbs (25%), she is 33" tall(50%) and her head is a whopping 48(75%).
She loved reading the books they had in the room.

She didn't even notice this drawer till the Dr. opened it and encouraged her to get into it, then we couldn't get her out THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

I wish I would have gotten a picture of the stink face she was giving the Dr.. Ellie doesn't like her much (and really I can't blame her), we are currently in the market for a new pediatrician. Any who the look was classic I loved it and really had to keep from laughing, especially after the Dr. said "it's like she doesn't like me or something?" in a clueless tone, I wanted to blurt out "YA THINK!?", but needless to say I held my tongue.
Anyway back to Ellie, she is busier than ever and she non-stop talks (just like her sister). She says a lot of words and even a few full sentences like "I want more", " give me some please", "what's this?",she says no, mine, thank you, please, dog, tinker, sis, ub(for Kaleb), yes, night night, blankie, juice, milk and a tons more I can't think of. Some of her past times are to follow Tinkerbell around the house, to pet her and throw her toys and watch her chase (slide all over the floor)them, she also LOVES to take brothers toys and hear him scream, dump all the books off the book shelf in sisters room and giggles when Ryne has to pick them up, she really likes to help Tinkerbell get the trash out of the trash can, and she has a new toilet fetish (especially when she's thirsty nough said).
She is definitely growing and learning, and we love watching her do it. Every time she learns something new, the kids clap and cheer her on, I just love to see her face light up each time they do it, she is so full of life and laughter and we love every minute of it!
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