I didn't realize when I chose to go away on my birthday weekend it was Easter weekend as well, I blame the kids they lost my calendar!
We I did all the Easter shopping (1 day)before we took off for Snow Flake. We stuffed all the eggs and had everything pretty much ready to go. I will break this post into 2 starting with my birthday weekend.
Dane had half day on Friday he decided to take the whole day off so we could get an early start to Snow Flake. We got Ryne on the bus at 8:30 then we took off. Freedom is such a grand thing!
Funny how having "freedom" means a completely different thing for me now than it did when I was a teenager. I mean growing up I always wanted freedom from my parents, I wanted to eat as much junk food as I wanted, stay up late, hang out with my friends. Now my idea of freedom is getting to eat a meal(and junk food) without sharing, and getting to bed by 9 so I can get a good night sleep even with interruptions, and hanging out with friends usually means a family picnic and a quick hello before the kids are off doin somethin they shouldn't be.
Ok back to my weekend, we decided to take the route that took us through Show Lo, Dane served his mission there and wanted to show me around. The 3 hr drive was complete and utter bliss, no "I need to go the bathroom", "I'm hungry", "she's lookin at me funny!", or the famous "ARE WE THERE YET!?", it was just my hubby and me having and actual adult conversation, I honestly can't remember that last real adult conversation that we have had that hasn't been about the kids, dogs , house, bills etc. It was nice and much needed. Dane showed me around Show Lo a bit then we headed to Snow Flake we go there around 2 and our check in time wasn't till 3 so we went to a Mexican Restaurant that was right across the street from the B&B. The first thing I noticed when we walked into this place was a sign that read...
"Prayers may not be aloud in public schools,
but they are welcome at our tables."
I was impressed I never before have seen anything like this. After we were seated I began to notice pictures of Christ all over the place, and really I shouldn't have been surprised the town was found by members of the church and most of those that reside there are in turn LDS. Anyway I just thought that it was pretty cool. After lunch we headed over to the B&B, such an AWESOME place we will definitely be going there again, and we will think and plan ahead and stay for more than just 1 night. On with the pictures
Heritage Inn
We had the
Presidential Lincoln Suite. I LOVED the simplicity of this room, I also fell in love with the king size bed(I really need to get me on of them) & the jacuzzi bathtub it was heaven!
This chair was in the far right corner, it had a really high back and was surprisingly comfortable.
The Inn all lit up.
Even though we were on "vacation" we went to bed at 9:00 (we both decided we were LAME) and because we went to bed so early we were up by 4!!! I enjoyed another (my 4th) bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub, them curled up with Dane on the bed to watch Saturday morning cartoons, it just felt weird not too! We had a WONDERFUL breakfast and then set out to the Snow Flake Temple.
We didn't go in because somebody (Ellie) took my temple recommend out of my wallet!
We enjoyed walking the beautiful Temple grounds even though it was very windy and quite chili.
here to find out more about Snowflake. There were a lot of historical little houses (including the Inn we stayed in), so once we were done with the temple we toured a couple of the houses there. It was really neat to see these homes and to hear about the amazing people they gave up everything to settle the area. I have decided that the pioneer women are my heroes, a couple of the ones we learned about raised 20 & 25 kids can you imagine? I have trouble with just my 3!!!

This is one of the homes.
We headed home around 12, got home about 4 loaded everyone up and went to the Easter Pageant, but I will save that for another post!!