So Thursday the 31st was Kaleb's birthday he turned 5!!! Normally I feature him on the o'l blog for his birthday but things got away from me and I didn't get a chance too. Kaleb wanted to have a party with his best friend Logan he wanted to have a sleep over but, Logan couldn't sleep over that weekend so, we went to plan B and took Kaleb to Chucky Cheese's we had a coupon and the kids had a BLAST!
I couldn't find my camera before we left the house so this is the only pic I got of Kaleb with my phone.

After we ran out of tokens we went home for dessert and presents. Some of you know I struggled with ideas for a "cake" Kaleb doesn't like cake and every time I asked what he wanted he just shrugged. I got some great suggestions via facebook, a lot of people mentioned fruit pizza, Kaleb like the idea "but kids are suppose to have sugar on theirs birthdays!" so I thought about it and decided to make a big cookie pizza and have toppings, I made some chocolate whipped cream for the sauce, and for the toppings we had mini Reese's pieces, white chocolate chips, chocolate chips, marshmallows, mini m&m's, Hershey syrup, strawberry syrup and Carmel syrup. The kids got to make there own and they LOVED it, it was such a big hit!

Here's Kaleb's "sugar coma" (as I dubbed it) and I didn't get a pic of the chocolate drizzled on top!

After Kaleb was done makin his dessert pizza, we whisked it away to put the finishing touches on it!

He was so happy!

Makin a wish!

Opening presents, Dane got him this Optimus Prime snuggy, he's always complainin he's cold(when the rest of us are sweatin) so he was really happy about this.

Ryne picked out this Thor Helmet and Hammer, it quickly became one of his favs.
One of the things that Kaleb really wanted was a Batman cape (no surprise there) so bein the good mom that I am I made him one at the last minute (I'm gonna do a tutorial on this on my craft blog so keep an eye out)and when I say last minute I mean the night before! Anyway he loved it

and so did Ellie!

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