So it's been a couple of days since I posted what I am thankful for, and it's not been cause I haven't been thankful I swear!! I have actually been in one of those BLECK moods, ya know what I am talkin about were ya just don't feel like doing ANYTHING. I haven't been sleeping well the last 2 nights and I am not sure why, I'm sure if I analyzed my feelings and stuff I would know why, but honestly I just don't want to! Have you ever felt like that!? Yeah I thought so :) Besides not sleeping well I have been waking up with terrible headaches and a stomach ache and although I know the cause it still doesn't make it any easier. I have so much to do before our trip to Idaho in like 5 weeks, like sewing, sewing and more sewing did I mention sewing? My kids have next to no winter clothes suitable for Idaho weather, and since every dime we have right now is going towards the trip and we literally have none to spare I am making the kids clothes which I love to do don't get me wrong it's just that I am not in the mood. I just don't seem to be able to or want to shake this rut, and I seem to be content with that for some reason.
As I have been pondering about all the headaches and other crap, it has made me more aware of the little things to be thankful like:
A lock on my bedroom door, so I can take a well deserved, much needed, long awaited hot bath!
Movies especially Toy Story 2 and Iron Giant they allowed me to take the hot bath!
Breakfast for dinner, and a hubby who stayed up late to help clean up the mess
Sweet kids that actually listened to me (without having to yell) and were quiet cause my head hurt and they actually cleaned up the house without being asked!(this was yesterday, it was the opposite today)
Long distance! So can talk to my mother, sister in-law, sisters, brothers anyone who will listen to me and put up with me! I really don't know what I would do without it, really my daily phone calls keep me sane!
Mac and cheese with hot dogs! Really if I can't think of or don't have the stuff for a recipe that I really want to and don't feel like cooking something else, mac and cheese never fails!
For kids that are easily satisfied
Time with my kids, Ryne and Kaleb didn't have school today because of Veterans Day and even though we really didn't do anything special, we laughed and goofed around and went to the park were I took pictures of the kids (cause I needed some updated group shots.). I had a great day with them even though I didn't feel that good!
To all the those past and present that serve our country and give us our freedoms, and also to the families and their sacrifices. I am truly thankful to you all.
A husband who didn't mind fending for himself for dinner after a long day of work.
Ellie! Yesterday I really felt like crap all I wanted to do was lock myself in my room and hide under the blankets, but one look at her and her smiling face and that all changed all I wanted to do was be around her and soak in her happiness and laughter. She really boosted my spirits.

Memories. Dana remembers his mom singing " You are my Sunshine" to him and his brothers growing up. He started singing it to the kids and it kinda stuck. Every morning Ryne, Kaleb and I all go into the girl's room to get Ellie up and we sing "You are my Sunshine" to Ellie and she loves it and so do the kids and I love the memories and feelings we are creating, the ones that will be with us forever.
Even though the last few days haven't been going as planned, I am more thankful than ever for the little things that don't go as planned but matter the most.:)