I am finally able to download pictures!!! HOORAY!!! Here are some of the kids on Halloween night, they were taken after we got back from Trick or Treating Ellie was already asleep so I didn't get any of her that night, but I have some from the ward party with her and I will post those when I can.
Dane and I carved our pumpkins the on the 30th, this is Dana's Monster!

I decided to do something a little different this year and stacked 3 pumpkins on top of each other and it turned out pretty cute. The bottom pumpkin says Trick or Treat sorry it's a little blurry due to the night time camera setting.

I love how Ryne is posed in this one!!She is showin off her muscles and her "pretty skirt" LOL.

Home from Trick or Treating. They got so much candy, but they were so tired by the end of the night they just wanted to go to bed. :)

Superman and Super Girl to the RESCUE!!

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