I was proud of myself yesterday, I actually kind of got out of my rut! We had to be up early yesterday for an appointment, I had all the kids dressed, fed and ready to go by 8:00 a.m. and I looked pretty smokin too(meaning, I had regular clothes on and a little makeup). After we got home from the appointment, Ryne was off to school, while she was gone Kaleb and I cleaned the house, I made some hair bows, when Ryne and Dane got home we loaded everyone up and went grocery shopping(that was tons of fun!). Just as we were leaving to go food shoppin Sister Holyoak showed up with my little chair that she re-upholstered and it turned out so good I love it, I'll post a picture at the bottom. After shoppin we had dinner, and then I went and played volley ball so much fun although for some reason it really kicked my butt this week, I am all sore and everything! Any who after that I came home and chatted with a friend on-line till about 1, and YES I am exhausted this morning. I woke up at 7:30 this morning which is usually when Kaleb is suppose to be on the bus luckily for me it's Friday and the bus doesn't get here till nearly 8 so I hurried and got him dressed, and fed(he had a piece of toast with cinnamin and sugar on it) and then onto the bus. So my day yesterday was very productive and it felt nice to be busy, today I need to accomplish the laundry! We will see if I can stay out of my rut today! :)
Ok here is a pic of my chair isn't it loverly!!

Love the chair...and can't wait to see you!!