We got to Dave and Becky's around 1, we spent the afternoon at their place, then we went to the hotel. We laughed about the hotel cause, from the minute we entered the room things started falling apart! The dead bolt to the door came off in our hand, the drain thing on the bathtub came off, the hook on the back of the door fell off, and then the plug in the sink fell apart!! All we could do was laugh, the manager of the hotel was very nice and took care of everything right away so it was all good!

The next day we had some breakfast and then went to the beach. The kids were so excited, as soon as they saw the ocean they took off running!

There first little dip in the water! They weren't prepared for how cold and un-predictable the water was, a wave came up and soaked them I have never seen Kaleb jump so high!!!

My feet, the sand felt so good in the cold sand.

Ellie watchin the water, this was her favorite thing to do, she didn't like the cold water and tried her best to stay away from it.


Ellie eatin the sand and rocks!

After we changed our clothes we headed over to see our friends Dan and Shae it was sooooo good to see them!! We stayed and visited for a couple of hours.

After Dan and Shae's we went back to Dave and Becky's, Ryne couldn't wait to hold Andrew!

We walked down to a huge park just a few minutes away from Dave and Becky's. When we got there Kaleb came up and told me "Now this is what I call a park!!" This picture doesn't do it justice, just to the left of the swings there were some more slides and stuff, the grass was so green and beautiful!

It was windy so we had to bundle Andrew.

Becky and Andrew.

Grandma and Papa Lamps

Ellie was having a blast!!

I really liked this picture she was singing and turning around in circles I called it her "the hills are alive" moment it was classic!!
Dave pushin Kaleb on the swing.
This was a very pretty and fragrant flower bush I wish I new what it was cause I love it!

Ellie fell asleep on the way back from the park poor thing.

Grandma and Andrew, isn't he adorable!?

After the park we headed back to the beach but this time we walked the Pier, it was COLD but so worth it. This Pelican was lurking behind the fisherman hoping for a fish! The kids enjoyed watchin him.

Family pic by the water.

I thought this was HILARIOUS!!! Can ya read the sign? It says.......

NO FISHING ALLOWED!! I think those fisherman deserved their fish gettin stolen by the Pelican!!

We also bought a cool chime from a place called the Shark Attack I will have to take a pic of it. We had so much fun we were all exhausted by the time we got back to our room, the kids went right to sleep it was great!!
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