After church we went to Dave and Becky's for lunch and also to visit with and old friend of Dana's Matt and his family. All of our kids are very close in age, their oldest Gabe is 3 months older than Marryne (they are in the back behind the stroller), Kaleb is about 3 months older than Hyrum(he is in the orange shirt), and little Johnny (he is on the ground kinda behind the stroller) is 3 months older than Ellie, they had so much fun playing together.
Dave, Matt and Dane.
After lunch we hit the beach since we were leaving on Monday. We did all the norm beach things, buried kids in the sand...

watched the water...
"borrowed" some kids board and pretended to be surfing!
Even Andrew came to the beach for the first time.
Kaleb loved these rocks..
Kaleb's view of the ocean from the rocks.
Ellie kept asking "what's that?" pointing to the water.
Day 4 we packed up the car and headed home, Ryne fell asleep about 20 mins before we got home.
Thank goodness for portable DVD players!

Looks like an awesome trip. Too bad you weren't able to get a pic of the baby in his blessing outfit. I bet he was adorable. Glad you were able to hit the beach. Maybe next time you can go when it's a little warmer.