Wednesday was a a busy day, went spent most of the day weeding out Grandma's garden. Then once that was all done Ryne and Kaleb got to plant some flowers in a planter box that Grandma said could be all theirs. They were so thrilled, it was neat to see to see my mom teaching my kids how to plant flowers, just as she had taught me when I was younger. I think that is were I got my love for gardening, my mom loved to garden and so did my grandmother I'm sure that's were my mom got the love for it as well. It has been so nice up here to be able to go out and work in the garden to plant beautiful flowers, I am working on my own garden in Arizona but just isn't the same.

After we were done gardening we had dinner and gave Kaleb a hair cut before bath time. After bath time the kids climbed willingly into bed, they went to sleep without so much as a "But I'm not tired" it was wonderful.

After, we didn't take that much off but it looks so much better!
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