Remember the
hooded towel I did for Kaleb's birthday? Well Marryne has been dying for me to make her one, she really wanted a pink towel with the superman symbol well instead of that I did these personalized ones for the girls. My mom and I were at Wal-mart yesterday and I found this 6 piece yellow towel set on clearance for $8, I figured that was a good deal, especially since I usually make one hooded towel for that much! Anyway, I was trying to think of a way to tell them apart so with some 1/4 grosgrain ribbon I made the first letter of the girls names I thought they turned out good and Ryne was thrilled.


I have a tutorial I am dying to post but it will have to wait till after Father's Day cause I don't want to give it away, it turned out great and my kids can't wait for daddy to see it! Stay tuned for that.
Yeah, cuz you never know who's gonna get on here!