Saturday we went to Saguaro Lake again the kids loved it. Kaleb and Ellie had never been to a lake before so it was new to them, Kaleb was happy to learn that he could throw rocks and sand in the water and we didn't tell him no!! Dana had fun looking for little shells with the kids. Marryne collected some pretty cool rocks. We spent
a few hrs there but had to leave cause the kids were hungry and tired. We had a nice quiet drive home. Later that night we went to the high school to see the fireworks. They started the celebration with the National Anthem, it was so neat to look around me and see hundreds of people standing with there hands over their hearts supporting their country. I even saw some people with tears in there eyes. What a great country that we live in that allows us to celebrated it the way we do to get together with friends or even strangers, cause we all have one thing in common we live in the greatest country there is and we are proud of it. Even though it was a little warm we all had fun, the kids got to share a snow cone and cheer on the fireworks. Ellie seemed to be really impressed with the fireworks at one point she whined until I laid her down so she could see them better!!

During the fireworks the song God Bless America came and as I looked at my family and thought about all the wonderful freedoms we have and all the wonderful and amazing people that put there lives on the line so we can have all of those freedoms I realized that God does bless this country and it's people everyday. I just want to express my gratitude to all those who put their lives on the line for me and my family everyday, I would also like to let their families know how grateful I am to them and the sacrifices that they make as well. Thank you so much and God bless.
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