For the last little bit I haven't had the desire to really cook, which is weird for me because normally I love it. But ever since I had Ellie I just haven't wanted to cook anything, Dana has pretty much taken over for me, I cook along side him I just don't plan out and execute the meals. Anyway yesterday I had a break through, Marryne wanted to make cookies, so I broke and we made the ones out of the Friend ( you saw the pictures!! =)), well that got my creative cooking juices flowing, I got really ambitious and made my own strawberry jam from scratch!!! Not only did I make the jam I hot bath canned it as well! I remember helping my mom make jam but I never really paid attention the the process. It can be a lot of work but so worth it. Both my kids were begging to have toast and jam this morning!! What an awesome feeling to know that my kids like my honest to goodness, made with lots of love jam!! My kitchen was a mess, but I had a lot of fun Dana even helped!
Wooo whoo!!