Yesterday was Pioneer day and we didn't really celebrate it because we weren't feeling very good, plus today was the Pioneer Primary activity day(wow say that 3 x's fast!)so we decided to just do some fun stuff today. For those who may be ask "What is this pioneer day she is speaking of?" the answer is on July 24th 1847 the first group of LDS(mormon)Pioneers entered the Valley of the Great Salt Lake,they left Navoo Illinios and traveled west, they left for the first part of their on February 4th. 1846 they journed was Iowa to the Missouri river ,they covered around 265 miles. On April 5th,1847 they began the second part of their journey from the Missouri River to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake it covered about 1,032 miles they traveled by wagons and handcarts. That's just a little bit of the history if you want to know more go So to celebrate the pioneers and their great journey we decided to make homemade bread and butter. We had a ton of fun!!We sang songs and learned about the pioneers and their faith and srength in our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ.
Ellie even helped, Marryne said "momma look at this baby she is makin butta!"

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