We had kind of a tough day yesterday as most of ya know from yesterdays post. Anyway I was so tired last night that I went to bed with the house in complete disaster(which isn't normal), figuring that I would have the kids help me clean it the next day. So this morning we were up by 8, after getting Ellie fed and happy I told the older kids that they wouldn't get any breakfast or juice until we got the house cleaned up. I figured that they were going to whine and cry about it but to my surprise they didn't they did everything I asked without questioning me I was in shock!! By 10 I was satisfied with the house it still needed to be vacuumed but that could wait so I let the kids have some breakfast and boy were they hungry! They each had 2 bowls of cereal. Once they were done we vacuumed and then I decided I wanted to re-arrange my furniture and the kids helped well they sat on the couched and chairs while I moved them around. After I got the furniture the way I wanted it we vacuumed again(we found a lot of treasures under the couches, but mostly trash), then Ellie started crying so I took a break and fed her while the kids watched a movie (yes they earned there privilege back,at least for today). Once I laid Ellie down for a nap I folded some laundry and then turned the t.v. off after the kids movie was over, we all sat in silence while I folded another basket of laundry and the kids fell asleep! It was so nice, it only lasted about 20 mins, but I savored it, it was so wonderful I can't remember the last time all 3 kids took a nap at the same time!! While they napped I reclined in my chair with a tall glass of chocolate milk(and I didn't even have to share) and listen to my Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack man I was in heaven and then my hubby came home and the kids woke up, but man it was still so nice even to have just those few minutes to myself! My hubby rewarded me for all my hard work with dinner and a movie and it was awesome.

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