She is rolling over like a mad women! She rolls to get were she wants to go, she has gotten on her knees a few times but figures that it's just as easy to roll.
She loves to hold the spoon and try and feed herself she does, pretty good too.
She is sitting up with very little help, in fact last night we put a toy in front of her and she sat herself up so she could play with it, here is the picture!! She was so proud of herself. Sorry the picture is so dark and those 2 little beady white eyes are not some strange monster it's just our dog Hershey(it creeped me out a little at first) ;)

She is teething, and cranky as can be!!Her favorite thing is to chew on a dry wash cloth the rougher the cloth the better.
She is always experimenting with her voice and making all source of cute and not so cute sounds.
She has discovered that it's best NOT to roll over in the bath tub!!
She's learned that she doesn't like the couch much, she's always bumping into it and we swear the other day it seemed like she was giving the couch a piece of her mind!
I love watching her learn new things, and even though I wish she could stay small I love watching her grow,
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