After that awesome good morning my day seemed to go pretty smooth. Ellie went back to sleep so I took advantage of that and cleaned the kitchen while the older kids had their breakfast. After the kids were done, they did their chores with just a simple reminder, then I swept and mopped the kitchen and laundry room, while the floors were drying I cleaned the bathroom, and then Marryne mopped the floor all by herself ( I didn't make her she was begging to mop.) Then we picked up the living room, had to take a break Ellie woke up so the kids watched a movie while I took care of her. We got so much work done by 10 it's was awesome.

After we had dinner our neighbor came over to watch Ellie while we took the older kids to the school for the open house and to meet Ryne's new teacher. When Marryne found out that she was going to have a new teacher she was "not happy" to put it in her words, so we hopped that being seeing her new classroom and getting to actually play with the teacher and the assistants that she would warm up and she did. They told us to bring Kaleb cause he may be starting in a couple of weeks, so they figured it would be a good idea to get him acquainted with the school. They had a blast the kids went to the class room while the parents went to the library were they just went over some info with us and some parents had to fill out the registration forms (I am so glad I filled them out before we went.) After the parents we done with our meetings we went back to the class rooms and had refreshments and then we got to go for a bus ride!! I thought that was such a good idea to get the kids use to the buses. Kaleb had been dreaming about riding the bus since Ryne went to school last yr! Ryne chose a middle seat while Kaleb chose to sit right up in the front. I kicked myself for not having my camera. Anyway after the bus ride we came home the kids were exhausted and went right to bed!
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH that was a successful DAY!
And today started really good to with hugs and kisses and I love yous all around. I hope it will stay just as nice all day. We have to go get shoes for the kiddos and also stuff to make hair bows! Anyway I really hope ya'll have a good day!!
I love her hair. It's cute.