We are getting ready to go to L.A. for the weekend I am excited, except that it's suppose to rain and we really wanted to hit the beach oh well, we shall see. The kids are excited to get to see their new cousin Andrew, we are going for his baby blessing. We are also hoping to get to see Dan and Shae Check they are only about 30 mins away from my brother-in-law so I think we will make the trip it will be great to see them!! We weren't going to leave till tomorrow afternoon, but Dane decided to take the day off, so what I thought I could do last minute tomorrow I have to cram into today oh JOY!! Well I better get back to it. Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Iron Man spotting!
So this morning I got Kaleb all ready for school, then grandma took him to the bus. When I went to get him off the bus he was in full Iron Man gear complete with mask and arm shooter!! My reaction was "WHAT the!!????", Ryne's reaction was "Oh no buddy not that! How embarrassing!", the bus driver said as soon as they were on their way to the school he put it on, he wore it all morning!! What a stink pot! All I could really do was laugh, I asked Kaleb why he took his costume to school when he knows he isn't suppose too he said " Cause I wanted to show them how awesome I am!" what a silly kid! I am wondering what he's teacher's response was when he got off the bus.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Kids in the Park
Yesterday we went to a park with some friends, had some pizza and lemonade, enjoyed each others company while the kids played. Just a warning this is a picture overload post!!!
After a minute or so of being in this swing, Ryne said "mom I'm getting dizzy, I'm done for today!"
Close up!
Kaleb "flyin to save the day" as he told me!
This is Michelangelo, he just LOVED pushing Ellie in the swing and she couldn't stop laughing, he was adorable and very very polite!!!

Ellie on what Kaleb called "Wild Alvin without any clothes!". She looks thrilled doesn't she!?
Lookin through the bars!
Kaleb going down the slide, even though it's a little blurry I really like this picture.
I played around with a couple of the pics I took of the kids this is one of my FAVORITES!
Another favorite!
And then the evening sky, this one is blurry as well but it's still beautiful!

Birthday weekend, Father & Son's, Sleep over!
So the 23rd was my Birthday it was also the Father and Sons camp out, and I thought that was the best present ever!! I look forward to the Father and Sons camp out every year, it's the only time I can clean my house from top to bottom and it stays clean for more than an hour, it also gives me and the girls our "girly time" we can watch girly movies, and do our hair and nails without any complaints. Marryne has been dyin to have her friend Harlee over for a sleep over and I thought sure why not, so Friday after the guys were packed and on their way we picked up Harlee and went to the mall, the girls love this little store that has jewelry and other fun girl stuff and it's named Tinkerbell what's not to LOVE oh yeah and most of their stuff is $2!! After the jewelry store we hit, Pay Less and Claire's, then we went to the play area so the girls could play and Grandma and I could catch our breathe!!!
This is one of Ryne's best friends Harlee, they even got best friend necklaces to prove it!!
This was Ellie's first time actually playing, she had a blast.
After the mall we picked up a couple of pizza's at Papa Murphy's. Once we were home and the pizza was cooked we watched The Princess and the Frog, the girls went to bed about 9:30, I thought there was going to be giggling and laughing but to my surprise they went to sleep right away, all accept Ellie of course! Grandma and I stayed up till 1 watching The Blind Side and talking it was fun.

The girls got up around 6 (all accept Ellie), but surprisingly they played quietly until I got up at 7!! Harlee wanted pancakes, and Ryne wanted cold pizza so I pleased both girls I was in the mood to make pancakes on my new electric grill and they turned out FABULOUS!!! All in all we had a great weekend! I know your all dyin to know what I got for my birthday right!? Dane's parents got me a pretty Orchid plant that Kaleb helped pick out and they took me out for lunch which was WONDERFUL thanks Bill and Nancy! Dane got me New Moon can I get a WOOT WOOT, and he also got me to new craft books one called The Big-Ass book of crafts and the other one is The Big-Ass Book of home Decor by Mark Montano and I HEART them, I have so many ideas, and since we are right in the middle of a house make over the books are much needed!!!! Marryne got me some shirts from Down East Basics, I also got and Adidas hat from Dane. Saturday Danes parents watched the kids so we could have a date I was in the mood for Thai food so we went to the THAI HOUSE it was FABULOUS, we will definitely be going there again (thanks Lisa for the suggestion!). After that we walked around the mall and enjoyed having no interruptions it was very much needed and enjoyed! What a great Birthday weekend
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday Madness!
Usually when I know I have company coming I clean my house like a mad women, but this time I didn't and boy did I regret it!!! I knew my in-laws were coming on Monday the 19th but I procrastinated cleaning, instead I bought and painted Ryne's new bunk bed on Saturday. Sunday we cleaned the main part of the house I touched up Ryne's bunk bed, we went to church ran some last minute errands(I know, I know we don't shop on Sunday but we made an exception!), got home fed the kids got them to bed, then proceeded to put the bunk bed together, which took 6 HOURS, I kid you not it was a pain in the BUTT!!! I LOVE Ikea but I have an issue with plastic nails (more on that later). By the time I finished putting the bed together it was 2:30 a.m., just as I was getting ready to go to bed Ellie woke up so I had to take care of her, by the time I got her back to bed it was 4:00 a.m.. I got Dane up for work, and decided to do the dishes, one less thing to have to do before the in-laws arrive, so I loaded the dishwasher went to start it and guess what!? It wouldn't work CRAP!! Ok so I give up on the dishes, by this time it's 5 and I figure what's the point in going to sleep I am just going to have to get up in and hr to get Ryne ready for her field trip, so I stayed up and cleaned Ryne's room, emptied all the trash and cleaned the kids bathroom. I got Ryne up at 6 got her ready and off on her field trip, I dragged the mattresses out of Kaleb's room and put them on the bunk beds, made the beds, then continued to clean the rest of the house, the in-laws would be here in a few hours! I figured while Ryne was gone, and Ellie was asleep and Kaleb was watching a movie I would take a nap but that didn't happen! The manager of the housing park here, knocked on my door, proceeded to tell my I had to many weeds in my yard, and my sons blinds were badly bent and needed replacing GREAT just what I needed to here when I still have a butt load of crap to do already before my company arrives! I think I actually cried at this point oh yeah and did I mention when I was moving beds around I dropped the queen box spring on my foot while it was pointed straight in the air and took off half my big toe nail(I have pictures but I think I will spare you)! I got the rest of the house cleaned, vacuumed, swept and mopped, took all 6 bags of trash to the dumpster and finished all the laundry. We were all going to go pick up grandma and grandpa, but I stayed home to wait for our friend to come check out what was going on with the dishwasher (it was the braker, it got triggered and I didn't know you have to push it all the way off before you can turn it back on, I am a lot of things but an electrician I am not!! But yeah I felt stupid). I thought I would take a nap while everyone was gone but that didn't happen cause I got my second (or was it my fourth)wind and couldn't fall asleep.
Dane and the kids went to pick Grandma and Grandpa Lamps up from the airport.
Grandma with Ellie and her "who the heck are you and why are you holding me!?" look!!!
Dana's mom had been planning on coming to visit, his dad wasn't feeling well and thought it best to stay home, Ryne was sad that he wasn't coming, she did all she new to do she prayed that he would get better so he could come and visit and he did.....
She didn't know he was coming it was a surprise she didn't react the way we all thought she would, but she was still very happy that he came!!

Dane brought everyone home after we unloaded the car we all went out to eat at Olive Garden(cause I didn't feel like cookin and cleaning again!!) which was really nice, then we went home and went to bed, I think I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow what a CRAZY day!!!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tip Junkie
Thanks to Crazymamaof6 I now know about Tip Junkie, this is a really awesome site such cool tips, ideas and many other things including a GIVEAWAY!!! It's a HUGE giveaway so go check it out they have some amazing prizes, you won't want to miss out so go to TIP JUNKIE.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Kids, weather and home projects!
Today was Scout Day Camp for our Stake it was fun. I a long with another Cub Master was in charge of cooking, going over fire safety and teaching the Webelos how to build fires. I didn't feel at all organized or ready but it all worked out just fine. I found myself watching the boys in each of the groups, there were so many types of boys, ya know like the quiet types, the jokesters, the wiz kids, the athletic types, the smart alecs etc. Some of the boys need get on my nerves a little but by the end of the day I found that I appreciated each one for who they are. I also couldn't help but wonder which type of boy Kaleb will grow to be, and I just need to remember to be proud and appreciate him for him.
So as the weather warms up I have found myself thinking that I would rather spend my summer away from the heat. I have decided to take the kids and go to Idaho for the summer,and no there is no problems with Dana and I things are just peachy I just miss my family and I know I won't miss the heat! The kids don't know yet cause it's not totally in stone yet. We won't be going till like the 2nd week in June and we should be back in August before school starts. My brother will be coming back with us to help is out with some home projects we are going to be doing some new flooring and wall texturing and maybe even some wall demolition we shall see!! I am getting excited about all the new changes that we are going to be doing to our home soon and don't worry I will post pictures!
Friday, April 9, 2010
School Pictures
I finally got the kids school pictures, they turned out so good. I look at Ryne's and I miss her long hair, but I still like the new cut and so does she and really that's all that matters. I also look at this picture and I can't believe how old she is, WOW I have a 5 year old, and WOW she looks just like me at that age, it's so incredible. I love this girl!!!
This is Kaleb's first school picture, I was little worried at how it would turn out cause let's face it when ever I try to get a good picture of him he pulls a face! He didn't disappoint me, we got the proofs(I'll post those later) and he pulled some silly little face in just about everyone of them this one was the best one. I love my handsome little boy, he also looks so much older but he still has that sparkle that I love so much!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
The little things
I love the little things that my kids do, here are a few.
Kaleb was worried about Dane and Ryne when they got home later than usual from Karate class as soon as they got home Kaleb ran to Dana and said "I berry berry missed you" he then asked "Daddy are you ok? You late" Kaleb has is so sweet and caring, and although we don't see it that often when we do it melts my heart.
Ellie's crib is right next to the light switch and she just loves to turn it on and off. I went into the bathroom and noticed the girls light on then I heard Marryne say in an annoyed tone "Baby Ellie turn off the light RIGHT NOW!" Ellie responds by giggling. I could tell Ryne was getting mad at this point, but she took a deep breath and I heard her say "Baby Ellie I think I need to have a talk with you, cause I love you and I don't want to get mad"Ellie again giggles to which responds with "here have a cracker!".
Ellie and Kaleb have been 2 peas in a pod when it comes to making messes. A couple weeks ago they dumped out juice powder all over the rug in the kitchen, then they both got into the pantry and dumped out the baking soda, then today they dumped out the dry dog food on the floor in the laundry room. I walked back to see what was going on, both Ellie and Kaleb were bent over drinking water from the dogs dishes! By the time I grabbed my camera they had stopped and Ellie looked at me and said "Hi dad". Besides me cringing cause they were drinking out of the dog bowls I thought it was pretty funny and cute and I figure hey at least they are bonding.
It's the little things that my kids do everyday that remind me of our privileged and blessed I am to be their mom. The little things also remind me to be strong through the tough times cause they are looking up to me, they have faith in me, they support me in all that I do, I love and learn from them everyday.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Peaceful Easter Sunday
I forgot to put this pics of the kids coloring eggs on last nights post so here ya go!
Ryne was having fun putting stickers on all the eggs.
Ellie lookin on while we colored eggs!
I did Ellie a special egg, cool hu!?
The Easter Bunny hid the baskets pretty good this year, it took Ryne and Kaleb about 20 mins to find theirs. Kaleb's was on the couch behind some throw pillows and he sat on it before he found it, I had to give Ryne ideas of where to look. Ellie found hers first but she didn't seem to know what to make of it!

Ryne showin off one of the eggs in her basket. The Bunny didn't over do it this year which we were happy about. Ryne and Kaleb each got a CD of the Tabernacle Choir and Ellie got a Lullaby CD and a Letters and #'s one, they each got and egg with candy it in and that was it YUP that was it and ya know what? The kids were more than happy with it. I think sometimes our kids expect MORE because we as parents seem to put it in their heads that they NEED more! Anyway we had a great Easter listening to General Conference and just hanging out together as a family.

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Weekend Part 2
Today we went to the AJ Easter Egg Hunt. We missed the one for Ellie which was ok, she was kinda grumpy anyway. Kaleb was more interested in running than collecting eggs!!
Ryne getting ready to go get some eggs.

She found an egg with a token and got a special prize!!
We have decided to not do a commercial Easter this year. The Easter bunny is still going to come tonight, but all she's going to leave is their baskets with 1 candy filled egg and then some church stuff. We feel like the kids are loosing site of what Easter is really about, so this is the only hunt they are doing this year. The kids had a blast, I didn't get any pictures of Ellie she pretty much cried the whole time. Now to rest before a new week begins!

Easter Weekend Part 1
Dana got off work early yesterday, so we took the kids to see How to Train your Dragon we all loved it. After the movie we got some dinner and then went to the temple grounds for the Easter Pageant. We got there early well we thought it was early but it was already packed we were lucky to get a spot on the lawn.
Dane and the girls just waitin.

I was wasting time taking pictures can ya tell!?
Kaleb fell asleep within the first 10 minutes of the Pageant! I have to say it was kinda nice, one less kid for me to have to keep track of. Ellie on the other hand was crawling all over the place, we had to keep chasing her down, luckily the people around us thought she was cute and didn't mind her.

Marryne's favorite part!
It's nice to pull in the driveway to this, when you get home from a busy day!!
It was a fun great day, the kids really enjoyed spending the day with their daddy. I know I really enjoyed not being stuck in the house all day!

Friday, April 2, 2010
Do you ever feel like you know a lot of people but you don't really have friends? It's kinda how I have been feeling lately, a little left out and a lone. At the same time I understand I don't have a car, and who wants to pick me and my 3 kids up!? It's a pain I know so I don't blame anyone for not wanting to hang out. It makes me miss home and my family more, which really sucks it's like throwing salt on the wound, "hey you have no friends, and you have no family around". Anyway that's just my feelings for today maybe it will change tomorrow but I doubt it.
Kaleb had his 4 yr old well check yesterday, he has thinned out a lot. He is 35 1/2lbs and he is 39 1/2 inches tall, he is in the 50% for both which surprised me cause he's always been in the 90%! He is healthy and strong, he got 4 shots and he did awesome he did not cry till the very last one( ya know the one that has to be refrigerated so when you get it it burns). After the shots were done he told me he wanted his daddy cause his daddy loves him, he was upset with me cause I let them give him his shots. But he got over it quickly(with a little bribery :)). Kaleb is only a lb lighter than Marryne, she is such a skinny little thing.
We have a nice day planned today, Dana gets off work early then we are going to see a movie then dinner then we will finish the day with the Easter Pageant! I hope everyone has a great Easter Weekend.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Birthday success!!
So we will start with the cake. The Superman shield is made with M&M's, the border around the shield are whoppers (I know HOLY SUGAR!). I would totally take the credit for this if it was my idea but it isn't I got the idea from HERE this site has some great b-day cakes.

He LOVED the cake, even though he didn't eat any!!
I need to explain this next picture. Kaleb opened a present from his Aunt Kelley that had and outfit with a hat, he grabbed the clothes striped off his clothes just to put them on.
Here's the outfit (not the best picture)
And here he is in the hooded superman towel I made him. It didn't get as good of a reaction as I thought(only because daddy had him open his iron man toys first!)
Here's a pic of the back of the towel.
So all in all his birthday was a great success, even though it was just a family thing and he only got 3 toys he had a blast!He did score on clothes which he really needed.

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