I forgot to put this pics of the kids coloring eggs on last nights post so here ya go!

Ryne was having fun putting stickers on all the eggs.

Ellie lookin on while we colored eggs!

I did Ellie a special egg, cool hu!?

The Easter Bunny hid the baskets pretty good this year, it took Ryne and Kaleb about 20 mins to find theirs. Kaleb's was on the couch behind some throw pillows and he sat on it before he found it, I had to give Ryne ideas of where to look. Ellie found hers first but she didn't seem to know what to make of it!

Ryne showin off one of the eggs in her basket. The Bunny didn't over do it this year which we were happy about. Ryne and Kaleb each got a CD of the Tabernacle Choir and Ellie got a Lullaby CD and a Letters and #'s one, they each got and egg with candy it in and that was it YUP that was it and ya know what? The kids were more than happy with it. I think sometimes our kids expect MORE because we as parents seem to put it in their heads that they NEED more! Anyway we had a great Easter listening to General Conference and just hanging out together as a family.

What a cute, little family! And, your bows are cute, too (too bad I don't need any:)