Usually when I know I have company coming I clean my house like a mad women, but this time I didn't and boy did I regret it!!! I knew my in-laws were coming on Monday the 19th but I procrastinated cleaning, instead I bought and painted Ryne's new bunk bed on Saturday. Sunday we cleaned the main part of the house I touched up Ryne's bunk bed, we went to church ran some last minute errands(I know, I know we don't shop on Sunday but we made an exception!), got home fed the kids got them to bed, then proceeded to put the bunk bed together, which took 6 HOURS, I kid you not it was a pain in the BUTT!!! I LOVE Ikea but I have an issue with plastic nails (more on that later). By the time I finished putting the bed together it was 2:30 a.m., just as I was getting ready to go to bed Ellie woke up so I had to take care of her, by the time I got her back to bed it was 4:00 a.m.. I got Dane up for work, and decided to do the dishes, one less thing to have to do before the in-laws arrive, so I loaded the dishwasher went to start it and guess what!? It wouldn't work CRAP!! Ok so I give up on the dishes, by this time it's 5 and I figure what's the point in going to sleep I am just going to have to get up in and hr to get Ryne ready for her field trip, so I stayed up and cleaned Ryne's room, emptied all the trash and cleaned the kids bathroom. I got Ryne up at 6 got her ready and off on her field trip, I dragged the mattresses out of Kaleb's room and put them on the bunk beds, made the beds, then continued to clean the rest of the house, the in-laws would be here in a few hours! I figured while Ryne was gone, and Ellie was asleep and Kaleb was watching a movie I would take a nap but that didn't happen! The manager of the housing park here, knocked on my door, proceeded to tell my I had to many weeds in my yard, and my sons blinds were badly bent and needed replacing GREAT just what I needed to here when I still have a butt load of crap to do already before my company arrives! I think I actually cried at this point oh yeah and did I mention when I was moving beds around I dropped the queen box spring on my foot while it was pointed straight in the air and took off half my big toe nail(I have pictures but I think I will spare you)! I got the rest of the house cleaned, vacuumed, swept and mopped, took all 6 bags of trash to the dumpster and finished all the laundry. We were all going to go pick up grandma and grandpa, but I stayed home to wait for our friend to come check out what was going on with the dishwasher (it was the braker, it got triggered and I didn't know you have to push it all the way off before you can turn it back on, I am a lot of things but an electrician I am not!! But yeah I felt stupid). I thought I would take a nap while everyone was gone but that didn't happen cause I got my second (or was it my fourth)wind and couldn't fall asleep.
Dane and the kids went to pick Grandma and Grandpa Lamps up from the airport.

Grandma with Ellie and her "who the heck are you and why are you holding me!?" look!!!

Dana's mom had been planning on coming to visit, his dad wasn't feeling well and thought it best to stay home, Ryne was sad that he wasn't coming, she did all she new to do she prayed that he would get better so he could come and visit and he did.....

She didn't know he was coming it was a surprise she didn't react the way we all thought she would, but she was still very happy that he came!!
Dane brought everyone home after we unloaded the car we all went out to eat at Olive Garden(cause I didn't feel like cookin and cleaning again!!) which was really nice, then we went home and went to bed, I think I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow what a CRAZY day!!!!!
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