I finally got the kids school pictures, they turned out so good. I look at Ryne's and I miss her long hair, but I still like the new cut and so does she and really that's all that matters. I also look at this picture and I can't believe how old she is, WOW I have a 5 year old, and WOW she looks just like me at that age, it's so incredible. I love this girl!!!

This is Kaleb's first school picture, I was little worried at how it would turn out cause let's face it when ever I try to get a good picture of him he pulls a face! He didn't disappoint me, we got the proofs(I'll post those later) and he pulled some silly little face in just about everyone of them this one was the best one. I love my handsome little boy, he also looks so much older but he still has that sparkle that I love so much!
Cute pictures.