A week or so ago, Kaleb helped Uncle E build a sand box. Grandma had all the stuff, a neighbor provided the sand for FREE can't beat that!! The kids were super excited about it, Ryne stood by with the buckets and shovels in hand, Tinkerbell rested in the shade with Kulo, Ellie was watching from her swing and Kaleb was guarding the sand until it was ready to be put in the box! Kaleb was so excited when it was done, he ran in to tell grandma he was "goin to the beach!". We filled up a pool with water, now all we need are a couple of Palm tress and we have ourselves some beach front property! The kids have been having a blast and surprisingly Ellie isn't eating the sand, I think she learned her lesson from the last time!

that's so cute, my mom never let me play with sand when i was little. hahaha