While at my parents this summer I was able to read over some genealogy books that my mom's dad put together. He took the time to interview his family (his parents, in-laws, his parents siblings etc...) then he wrote it all down, like a big giant journal, with genealogy charts, there are 3 of them. I have read a few stories here and there, growing up but I never actually sat down from page 1, so this summer I decided I would, and I didn't even get half way through the 1st book!! Despite the fact that I didn't get very far, I learned so much about my ancestors, I actually feel a real connection to them. Some of the women that I read about, have the same no nonsense, I can do it kind of attitude that I have and it made me laugh and think to myself " Oh that's where I get it from.", of course they had it pretty rough so I suppose they had to develop that attitude to survive.
I know that my parents families immigrated over to the U.S., but until I read about it I didn't know how hard it was for them. Most of the families weren't able to come together, could you imagine sending your 10 yr old on without you!? I couldn't but many of the families did, and some of them were never together again, as times got tougher many weren't able to join their families. I really grateful for my ancestors and all that they sacrificed to get here, to work hard and become citizens, it wasn't easy but they didn't expect it to be, they did what needed to be done and they did it the right way. As I read the stories, that good and the bad I realized that they didn't complain about what life had dealt them, they realized that it could be much worse, that they were truly blessed with all of the opportunities that were presented to them when they came to the U.S. . I also learned that they never gave up the traditions they grew up with, they taught their children and their childrens children about their heritage, where they came from, what they believed and who they were. Just because they came here and became citizens didn't mean that they had to give up who they were, and it didn't mean that they pushed there believes and culture onto everyone else, that's what America is all about being able to be yourself, to have your own thoughts, ideas, religion, language, and to be able to be friends with someone who is completely different and not judge or persecute them for their differences.
No one deserves to be handed everything they want without having to work for it, if we didn't work, struggle and sometimes fail life would be boring. We wouldn't have any adventures, we wouldn't have progress, if everyone was given everything they ever wanted we wouldn't be able to think for ourselves, we wouldn't grow and learn from our mistakes, we wouldn't and appreciate the things we have if we don't work for them. We are in the process of teaching our kids this, I recently took all of their toys about, I got rid of most of them but they each have some they can earn back, and they have to do that by working hard to take care of themselves and the things that they do have, they have to realize that they don't get something just because they want it, if they want it they have to work hard just like the rest of us to get it. It's been a week and they still think that they should be able to say "I want it" or "give it to me, I deserve it", so we will still work on this, I have been telling them some of the stories I read about in my grandpa's journal, Ryne seems to be understanding a little more, but even then she is very stubborn and refuses to grasp the concept, but I know she will eventually. I realize that it is up to my husband and I to teach our children that life isn't easy, but if you work hard and have faith you can accomplish anything you want to, you can't give up or blame others for your short comings you have to own it and you have to work for it.
I will step off my soap box now, this has been on my mind for awhile especially right now with the many things that are happening here in the U.S..