Ellie learned many things at Grandma's like screeching, climbing, and....

throwing dog food on the floor makes the dogs come a runnin!

She also learned that she loves breakfast with Papa.

Ryne and Uncle E going 4-wheelin.

Top half...

bottom half...

whole body! Somebody had to much fun "helping" mommy in the garden!

The kids loved these swings, especially Kaleb he kept yellin "Giddyup Bullseye, yee haw I am Woody!"

Muttin Bustin at the McCammon rodeo, the kids thought that was pretty cool.

No you aren't seeing things that is Kaleb dressed like a girl! He wanted to play dress up and I say hey it's harmless at this age, and he was crackin everyone up!!

Ellie wanted to play dress up too!

AAhh nothin like a Sunday afternoon of target shooting.

The one thing Ryne wanted to do in Logan was "to go see the temple you and daddy got married in", she was upset when we told her it was closed and we couldn't but she was happy when we were still able to take a picture of her in front of it.

We went swimming at the Lava Hot Springs pool the last Friday we were there, the kids had a blast and loved the little curly tube slides they could go down.

Kaleb's cool dragon face painting he got at the circus!

Ryne loved her kitty face!

Uncle E and the kids with their newly painted faces!

Me and Ryne, Grandpa put that sticker on her head for helping that morning and she wouldn't take it off!

Me and the "dragon boy Kaleb" having fun at the Circus.

The kids and I in front of the "Big Top".

So cute! Looks like Idaho will miss you as much as you'll miss it!