Last week we had a crazy monsoon, my kids were the first one's to run around and play in it, just about everyone was outside watching the rain. I noticed that all the kids on our street,were in the street playin in the run off, all the adults were on the side lines watching and I was one of them, I wanted to run around and play in it, but I was hesitant. I finally joined in the fun and had a blast, later I was wondering why I was so hesitant to join in the fun, I think the answer was I was afraid of what others might think I mean a grown women dancing in the rain!?Even the thought of getting wet and having to blow dry my hair entered my mind, silly thoughts I know but I still had them. Then I thought of the kids, they jumped in with both feet, they didn't hesitate at all, they didn't worry about who might see them or if their hair or clothes got wet, they had the fun then cleaned up and went on with life. I think some times we as adults think to much, we talk ourselves out of things before we even have the opportunity to do them. I learned a lesson from my kids that day, don't be afraid , don't hesitate cause if you do you might miss out on some once in a life time experiences.
Totally needed this today my friend. Thank you!!