Today was Ryne's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe she is 5 let alone going to Kindergarten. She was so excited this morning, she was up before anyone else, she got her own breakfast cereal (my plan was to make pancakes). She came to me with all her hair stuff and said "do your stuff mom!", she just made me smile. She was ready to go about a 1/2 before we had to leave, which was nice cause it gave me a chance to get the other kids ready since we were driving her. Kaleb was a little upset that he didn't get to start school(pre-school) today, last year they started on the same day, so it through him for a loop. All morning he has been askin about "my friend Marryne", things are so much quieter with Ryne it is nice but at the same time we miss her. I didn't get a ton of pics cause I had to go as quick as I could since Uncle E was waiting in the car with the other 2 kids.
This was when we first got there, she was smiling and saying "first day of school!!"

After we dropped her backpack off she gave me a hug and kiss and ran for the play ground! Once she climbed to the top she turned said "Hugs" while squeezing herself and "kisses" while blowing me one, then she waved and said goodbye, I started crying she came over and said "It's ok mom it's just Kindergarten!" I smiled and she ran off again like she knew her work was done with making me feel better.

So far the day has gone off without a hitch except for maybe never getting a bus schedule! Yup that's right we never got one, on meet the teacher night I asked the Principal and the Teacher and they both said I would get something in the mail, well it was Thursday and school started on Monday when was I going to get something!! So of course nothing ever came, so we decided just to take her even though her heart was set on "riding the big kid bus", then while I was at church I got a call from the teacher about the bus, Uncle E told her we would take her so she didn't give him the schedule. So this morning when I dropped her off I asked the Principal again she said that Ryne's teacher would have all the info, so when I asked the Teacher she said she didn't have that info to go ask the front office UUGGGHHH!! So I went back to the front office and they said they didn't have that info, and once again told me to go back to the teacher I had enough of that and asked for the transportation # called from the office got the schedule, I mean seriously how are you suppose to make sure my child gets on the right bus when you don't even know once I got the right info I gave it to the teacher and the front office they seemed a little surprised! So since we got everything figured out, I told Ryne she could ride the bus home and she was thrilled! So far that has been the only drama of the day.
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