I can't believe that you are officially one today my dear sweet Eleanor!
This year has gone by so fast, I remember how I couldn't wait to meet you little one. I went to my Dr. appointment that day, hoping I would be induced and so I could finally meet you, I didn't need to be induced you were ready to come, my Dr. sent me right over to the hospital and less than 2 hrs later you had arrived!! You were so ready to come, the Dr. wasn't even in the room when I delivered you the poor student nurse had to catch ya!! The poor girl looked terrified, but in awe at the same time. When you came out you didn't wait for the nurses to suction you out to take a breath, and when you did you got some liquid in your lugs so I didn't get to hold you right away, they had you laying down and crying so you could get all the liquid out of your lungs.
After our friends brought us our camera daddy took your first picture.

When Kaleb was about 4 months old I was woken up in the middle of the night knowing that my next baby was going to be a girl and that her name was going to be Eleanor Grace, your dad and I had never considered these names before, but your great grandmother Jessen's name was Eleanor, and it just felt right to give our next little girl her name and we would call you Ellie just like her. It meant a lot to your grandpa J that you were named after his mother.

Kaleb was more interested in watching cartoons! He wasn't sure what to make of you quite yet, it took him about a week to warm up to you, but he loves you so much now!! He loved to play with you and make sure that you are ok, he is always so concerned(and maybe sometimes annoyed) when you cry. He seems to finally be getting the hang of being a big brother.

Grandma and Grandpa J, Uncle Ethan and Aunt Aimee and Uncle Joey and their kids were able to come for your baby blessing in February. Grandma J made your beautiful dress, bonnet and booties. It was so neat to have everyone here, they all loved you right away you were always being held by someone!!

You were about 4 months old when you started to roll around, you didn't see the need to crawl because you could get around just fine by rolling!! You also started eating baby food, and you could hold your own bottle.
Next came your first 4th of July and fireworks experience, I thought you would cry but you seemed to love them. You wore the same dress Marryne wore on her first Independence Day. It was around this time that you started crawling, you still (preferred to roll though).

In June you were in the hospital for dehydration and a temperature over 104, you gave us quite a scare! You were only in the hospital for 4 days, we were so relieved when we were finally able to bring you home, Marryne and Kaleb were so happy they were really concerned for you and happy to see that you were ok.
A few months later we celebrated Halloween, you were a lady bug just like Marryne was for her first Halloween. You didn't care to much for trick or treating, but you loved seeing all the kids in their costumes.
We just celebrated your first Christmas! You loved all the colorful wrapping paper, more than the wonderful toys and clothes that you got!! You loved when daddy helped you jump on the bed with the older kids on Christmas Eve (it's a tradition). You also got to see snow for the first time, you didn't like it much though, unlike Ryne and Kaleb!
And here you are now our big 1 year old!! You aren't walking yet, you seem to be taking your time which is fine by me!! You only have one tooth, but oh the things you eat with only one tooth :)

Ellie we love you so much, you have been such a good baby. You brother and sister love you so much, and have really enjoyed watching you grow and learn. You have such a great little personality, I never met your great grandma Jessen but sometimes I wonder if you are like her. You love Marryne and Kaleb, I love how your face lights up when they walk in the room. I love how you can turn a bad day into a good day just by smiling!
You have such a sweet and strong spirit, we are so happy that you belong to our family, I feel that you were truly meant to come to us we are so very blessed to have you in our lives. We love you Ellie and we hope you have a wonderful 1st birthday!
Mom, Dad, Ryne, and Kaleb