It was 5 yrs ago today that I gave birth to my first child a 6lbs 11 and 1/2oz(as the nurse specified) 21 in long beautiful and perfect little daughter, we named her Marryne Aurora, after a distant relative. Ryne was a very good baby for which I
was truly grateful, she slept through the night from day one the only difficulty I had with her was nursing her, she took wonderful naps, and was always such a content little baby.

Ryne has always had a sweet and kind little spirit since the day she was born, she always puts others ahead of herself, she's willing to give away some of her favorite things so others that don't have them can.

She became a big sister when she was only 15months old, but she was good at it from the beginning, always willing to help get diapers and give baths, she sure loved her little brother. She also loves her little sister, although she let's Kaleb help with Ellie a little more now! :)

Ryne is such a good example to her brother and sister,( even though she struggles at times) she is so eager to teach them new things. Ryne is such a good helper to her mom and dad, whenever she is asked to do something I usually here "oh YES momma, and thank you for askin momma". When I am having a tough day she always knows how to make it better, I never make it through the day without hearing her ask "are you ok momma?" she is so concerned for others.

Ryne's teacher always tell me what a joy she is to be around, she's always smiling even on her bad days! She is always helping the other kids in her class feel better when they are sad.

Ryne is such a girly girl but she can climb trees(in a skirt and Sunday shoes, let's see a boy do that!!), and get down and dirty just like any boy can! She is so full of energy and love.

To my Dear Sweet Marryne,

You are a sweet, kind and special little spirit, and we are so grateful that our Heavenly Father put you in our care. You make us so happy each and everyday when we see what a wonderful and helpful little girl you are. You are always willing to help, and many times you don't even ask if you can help you just do, you are a great example to your younger brother and sister, they look up to you as do your dad and I we all have much to learn from you, as much as you have to learn from us. We love you so much our dearest daughter, and sister, we want you to remember that you are a special daughter of Heaven and your Heavenly Father loves you dearly and he is proud of you and the person you are growing up to be, just remember that you can always kneel and say a pray when things get hard. We love you so much and we hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Mommy, Daddy, Kaleb, and Ellie
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