The news wasn't kidding when they said that we were going to have " a record storm". I think in all my years living here in Az that was the worst storm I have ever been through! I have weathered many storms and power outages, but last nights was a little different my husband wasn't there to hold it together and be the strong one. I was the one my kids looked to when the power went out, I was the one that couldn't freak out cause I could here stuff flying around outside. Lucky for me a few days ago I was smart enough to gather all the candles and flash lights(that worked) and put them in the kitchen (just in case), I really didn't think we were going to need them, storms like this don't usually happen in Az.
I was feeling fine about the storm until I checked on FB and read about a tornado watch in the Phoenix area! That made me a little nervous, but I figure well I am past Mesa so it doesn't apply to me. I made dinner for the kids, lately we have been waiting for Dana to get home to have dinner, but for some reason I felt like I should make it earlier. Just after we had finished dinner, we settled down to watch some T.V. I figured I better try and catch the news, right as they were talking about the tornado watch the power went out! CRAP I thought, cause I had heard them say something about Pinal County but wasn't sure! I was the one my kids looked to when the power went out, I was the one that couldn't freak out cause I could here stuff flying around outside. Lucky for me a few days ago I was smart enough to gather all the candles and flash lights(that worked) and put them in the kitchen (just in case), I really didn't think we were going to need them, storms like this don't usually happen in Az, but as it was we needed them. So I calmly lit the candles we had, and placed one in each room only to find out my wonderful son was blowing them out which was a little unnerving! After putting Kaleb in time out for continuing to blow out the candles, I put Marryne in charge, and cuddled Ellie up so I could go check on our elderly neighbor next door.I knew she didn't like being in the dark alone so I wanted to see how she was doing and invite her over, I think that was more for me than her cause I new I would feel better having another adult around, she decided to wait awhile and see what the storm was going to do. I was surprised when I got home that the kids were right were I had left them, they didn't move 1 inch!! They were a little scared (unknown to them so was I), Ryne was worried about her daddy wondering if he was ok in the car, I was a little worried too, the winds were strong and I knew that people were being advised to stay in doors. We decided to say a little pray to give us some comfort, that worked the kids were running and playing after that.
Dana got home about a 1/2 hr after the power had been out the kids(and I) were glad to see he was ok. Dana hadn't had anything to eat, and he didn't want the waffles we had for dinner (he's still dieting) , so once I handed the of so frightened Ellie over to Dane I pulled out the camping stove. Marryne told Dane about how the power went out, my favorite part was when she said " mommy was so brave, she even went to check on Doreen! And she ain't afraid of the dark, she's the bestest!!" that made me feel so good, cause even though I was falling apart in the inside it wasn't visible to me kids and I made them feel safe. We had decided that if the power didn't come back on before it was time for the kids to go to bed we would all sleep in the same room, just in case, but the power came back on in the nick of time!
I only had 3 big candles and a bag of tea lights, I figured the tea lights would be better in numbers , so I pulled out some serving trays and loaded them up! It worked really well.

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