The last couple of weeks have been busy for me besides keeping up on all the house work I have been using all my spare time making bows and crocheting hats for my Etsy shop! I did finally get the shop up and running check it out you can click HERE or on the button on my side bar. I will be updating it over the next few days so keep checking it.

There are a few reasons why I have decided to sell my bows and other handmade items, one: because I have had many people(friends and strangers) ask me if I do, so I figured sure why not. 2) A lot of people encouraged me too and 3) most recently I have come to discover that I love Tae Kwon Do (even though I have only been to one class), and I would like to continue with classes, so my hubby told me I need to sell some bows to feed my addiction. And hey what a good addiction, getting fit and learning to protect myself. So really all sales are for a good cause! :)
On to other things, I was just randomly thinking last night at how inconsistent we are with certain things, and by we I mean my husband and I. There are so many times when we start to do something, and are doing great, then we miss doing it once and that's the end, after that it's randomly done no consistency at all. And no I am not talking about loosing weight or working out that is coming along just fine. It's more with our kids, and kids of all people need consistency, but for some reason we just can't seem to find our groove to be consistent with this particular thing. When it all comes down to it, I know we just need to get our priorities straight, and decided if the regular t.v. programs that we watch are more important than our kids spiritual growth, and I already know the answer to that question, I am just finding it hard to follow through. But I think my voicing it we will try and work harder at it (it worked for loosing weight).
Ellie's 1st birthday is on Saturday and I can't believe that my baby is going to be 1, I look at her and I just don't think she is big enough to be ! which is partly due to her tiny size. I just feel like I had her and think to myself it's been a year already!? And maybe it doesn't seem like a year because she's not doing all the things the other kids were by the time they turned 1, she is just taking her sweet time and I am ok with that. We decided not to do anything huge for her birthday cause let's face it, she won't remember but we are having some friends over for dinner and stuff. I haven't decided what I am going to do just yet for her cake, I keep changing my mind, although I think I have finally decided now I just have to figure out how I want to do it. I don't know what to get her for her big day, she has so many toys and she seems to be good for clothes, so I am clueless but I am taking suggestions?
Ryne is having her first sleep over on Friday!!! She is so stoked, she invited her best est little church buddy Makenna over, for a fun girls night painting nails, watching girly shows and eating ice cream!! The first thing she asks when she wakes up in the morning is "is it Friday yet!?" sofar she has been disappointed by my answer. At first I thought this would be a bad week to do it with Ellie's b-day and all but then I figured, that the girls will probably keep themselves entertained, which would make things easier for me. Anyway I think I am looking forward to it just as much as Marryne, it will be tons of fun!!
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