Kaleb got a hold of a little manicure set you know the ones with scissors! I didn't know he even had it, where it got it from or when he got it, but he brought it to me, then told me that he forgot the scissors went to get them and then proceeded to tell me " I cut my hair see!?" while he was pointing to his bangs. I just stared then he said "Aren't I handsome momma!? I made it handsome see?" It could be worse I know, it could have been Marryne or he could have decided that Ellie or one of the dogs needed a cut, so I am grateful that it was just his "bangs". But he does look like Dracula ya know with the widows peak to bad it's not Halloween!!:) Now that I look at the pictures it really doesn't look that bad. And this is the first time he's done this, I guess I should say it's the first time he has succeeded I have got him before. Oh well it's just hair it will grow back. :)

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