On the 28th Kaleb's school had a Fall Treat Night, where the kids got to dress up and trick or treat in the halls of the school. I forgot to take my camera, so I didn't get any pics of them in action but I did get a couple before the party and after.
Ryne and Kaleb havin a little fun before we took off. Sorry it's blurry there was a finger print on the lens, didn't realize it till after I took the pics.

Run, Flash run!!

Ryne and Kaleb after we got home from the school, they had so much fun can ya tell!?

On Friday the 29th Kaleb got to go trick or treating at a Retirement community with his class, and Ryne had a Pumpkin Party in her class (she was disappointed she didn't get to dress up :( ), they both had tons of fun!!!
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