Ryne's teacher called me on Tuesday to let me know that Ryne was the student of the month for her class! I was excited to hear that, she told me about the assembly where the kids get recognized with a certificate so I decided to make it a surprise and just show up. Despite Ellie not feeling well we made it to the assembly, we were in the very back against the wall, trying our hardest not to spread germs.

The 4th grade did a cute little program then all students of the month where given there certificates, and of course right at that moment Ellie decided to scream and move as much as possible so the pics I got are blurry. I was cheerin as loud as I could over a screamin baby and the applause from all the other parents and students, but I wasn't heard Ryne didn't even know I was there!

This pic is the best cause one of the teachers, held Ellie for me long enough to get a nice picture, but of course as I took it Ryne's teacher started pulling them off the stage, oddly enough to get their pic taken! At least I made an effort to be there, even if Ryne didn't know it. I am so proud of her, school hasn't been easy for her she has had to work extra hard to keep up with everyone else, she has dealt with bullies and other things yet she has made a lot of progress and that's why her teacher chose her for student of the month. I love my sweet girl she is awesome!
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