Once home from church the kids got all dressed up and ready for some trick or treating. First stop our house!! Kaleb was just so excited to go trick or treating that I didn't get a picture of him by himself.
Ryne just had to trick or treat at our own house, here she is with her pumpkin light.

Ellie stayed home with me to hand out candy ( I wasn't feeling good), she did get to go to a couple of the neighbors. She's sayin "cheese" in this pic. She didn't care for her Raggedy Anne costume so I got her this cute Halloween outfit for her to wear.

Headed across the street sayin "more ease".

Group pic after everyone was home, can you tell they are exhausted!! I made a mask for Kaleb cause he broke out from the Halloween makeup, he put it in the depths of his Halloween back and I really didn't want to dig it out for the pic.

They had a great and safe Halloween, I hope you all did too.
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