We enjoyed the Macy's Thanksgiving parade while we ate our rolls, and talked about the things we are grateful for. Because I did most of the cooking the day before once the turkey was in the oven I was able to sit down and watch Christmas movies with my family. The kids were dyin to eat especially when we started putting food on the table! Once we declared it was time to eat they were cheering, I don't think I have ever seen them move so fast!!
Here's the feast!

Close up of "the bird", I swear when I took this picture it wasn't blurry.

And for the kids I made jam thumbprint cookies, we all loved them! I caught Ellie suckin all the jam out the of middle and putting the cookies back!

Ellie enjoying her pie! If your wondering why she has no shirt on it's because she got into the gravy, and I mean most of it ended up on her shirt!

He was showing us how super heroes eat pie or in his case a cinnamon roll.

Yeah scary I know, I think she is warning everyone to stay away from her pie!

We had a great relaxing day, after dinner was done and cleaned up, we pulled out the Christmas decorations and put up the tree. It was all going great till I couldn't (and still can't)find one of my sock snowmen he was in the box with the parents but then disappeared, then my neighbor (love you Claudia) scared the crap out of me when she came to warn me about the pipes (it got to 28 degrees last night!), then Dane just had to put a talking Darth Vader ornament on the tree it too scared me when I went to turn out the lights and it spoke without being touched needless to say Dane thought it was hilarious! Oh and the fun didn't stop yesterday today I had some blunders but I will leave that for another post!
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