Monday, April 9, 2012

Small wonders

I've been meaning to post a little update about my pregnancy, I just kept forgetting! Things are going very well, she moves a lot during the day, and I am thankful for every little movement. I seem to finally be over the morning, noon and night sickness. At my last appointment my Dr. was a little concerned about some weight loss, some dizzy spells I had been having and I was also dehydrated, I just couldn't keep anything down even water. He had already given me some zophran but it didn't seem to really help so I stopped taking it, and I tried every home remedy out there to stop the sickness nothing helped. My Dr. tested me for anemia, and I figured I would test positive for it cause I have always struggled with it during my pregnancies, sure enough that is one of the problems and it could be a reason for the dizzy spells as well, my iron level was really low. I have never been able to take a prenatal because the iron in them makes me sick, It's kinda a dammed if ya do dammed if ya don't kind of deal. Anyway he did up my dose of zophran, and basically put me on an all greens diet to get the iron levels back up, and told me to drink lot's and lot's of Gatorade or powerade, to help keep me hydrated, I also went out and bought some kids vitamins with extra iron (that's what I did with the other kids I just ran out and never got more and boy did I pay for it!). I am happy to report I haven't had to take the zophran in a week, I am full of energy and the whole "nesting" thing has kicked in, seriously I have been cleaning like a mad woman!

The kids have wanted to be involved with this pregnancy which I think is awesome! We have been taking pictures every couple of weeks of my "tummy" and measuring how big I am. Here I am Easter morning;

 We go on line to baby center, (which is one of my favorite pregnancy sites) with each new week and look to see how big the baby is and what she is developing. They compare the size of the baby to fruits and veggies, so we started buying the fruit or veggie for the current week so they could see about how big or long she is, then we would have it for dinner or a snack, the kids have gotten a big kick out of it. This week she's as long as a carrot. Ellie is always talking about "the baby in yours tummy", Kaleb wants to give it a boy name even though it's a girl, and Ryne is exciting cause we have decided to give her her own room and let the little girls share a room (yes that's right I am giving up my sewing room).

I have been comparing this pregnancy with my pregnancy with Marryne as far as the experience of a first time pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant with Ryne I was so anxious and excited, scared of the unknown but perfectly happy about what was to come. . With Marryne every little movement was so amazing I could hardly believe it, I kept track of her movements and when she was active and not active. We got a stethoscope so we could listen to her heart, we talked to her and put headphones on my stomach and experimented with different kinds of music.  When I saw the first ultra-sound I cried, heck I cried with every ultra-sound. I payed attention to EVERYTHING, it was such a magical experience.Don't get me wrong I was excited about my other kiddos too it's just that I didn't notice every little thing, the experience wasn't new to me. With the first miscarriage I never got to feel movement, with the second one I had just started to experience movement when we lost him. I had yearned to feel a baby moving and thriving inside me it just wasn't happening.

When I discovered I was pregnant again, I'll be honest I was terrified my reaction when I read the results was " you have to be freaking kidding me!", I had wanted the results to be positive many times before this and they weren't so I had finally put it out of my mind, so I wasn't expecting a positive result. Anyway I didn't know exactly what to feel, I was happy and sad and scared all at once, it's all I could think about I was an emotional wreck. When I told Dana my fears subsided a little bit, but I was still worried. I was 14 weeks when I went to my first Dr. appointment and boy was I TERRIFIED. I had been sick the entire time, I still felt pregnant but I wasn't convinced, I needed to hear a heartbeat. I had Dana go with me I was so scared that I wasn't going to hear anything, and with good reason I was 14 weeks when we lost the last baby. I held my breath, and gripped Dana's hand as tight as I could, they found a heartbeat almost immediately, I let out my breath and started crying, the nurse was very sympathetic and understood my emotions. I had been praying since the day I found out that I would know that everything was ok, at that point it had mostly been all day sickness I have never been so thankful to be sick! I started really feeling movements around 18 weeks but they were still hard to discern. Now at 22 weeks I am feeling every little movement, and it's been amazing I am in awe with every little kick. The kids love to sing to her, they love to rub and kiss my belly they can't wait till the movements are strong enough so they can feel it too. I cried at the ultra-sound I was so relieved that she was ok. I have often had the thought that it feels like I am pregnant for the first time again, I have the same feelings and concerns, and I anticipating every little thing. I've realized what a miracle carrying a child really is, I mean I have known this but now I feel it with every fiber of my being. Just to get pregnant is a miracle, everything has to be just right for it to happen, and then to carry full term is an even more amazing miracle, having a baby isn't anything to take lightly. I am so thankful to my Father in Heaven that we are being blessed with this tiny little miracle.

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