Saturday, April 21, 2012


Here's an update on the pregnancy front everything is still going really well baby is moving like crazy, it's fantastic! It's really amazing how much stronger her kicks are from week to week, we are getting to the point were you can actually see and feel some of them, Ellie doesn't like it too much, Ryne and Kaleb are fascinated every chance they get they push on my stomach and wait for her to move. I've been a little sick this week mostly in the mornings but it's not nearly as bad as it was before, I have been taking the zophran to help me through the day. So that's pretty much it next appointment I get to do the glucose test and get the Rhogam shot, yippee for me!

The kids have really been funny with this pregnancy it's nice having them so interested, they have been saying some of the funniest things especially Kaleb here are a few;

Kaleb told me I needed to take another "big belly picture" and measure my belly he wants to see "how many more inches big yours tummy is", last week he followed me around with a tape measure!
(I don't see much of a difference between 24 and 22 weeks, but Kaleb swears there is)

A couple days before we found out we are having another girl Kaleb asked me "how many stamps would it take to send the baby back to Heavenly Father if it's another girl?" I told him I didn't know and that he should ask Heavenly Father, so for the next couple of nights when saying our family prayers Kaleb would chime in " and please tell me how many stamps I need to send the baby back if hers a girl", it was all we could do not to laugh! Finally the day of the ultra sound came and he still hadn't gotten an answer he came to me and said with a sigh "Heavenly Father didn't tell me how many stamps I need so I guess that means we have to keep it *SIGH* even if it is another girl"

One night Ryne and Kaleb were talking about how babies are born Kaleb stated that "the moms poop them out!" Ryne didn't agree "cause I thought that too but mom told me how they are REALLY born", of course she was being a brat and wouldn't tell him what I had told her, so he kept calling her a liar she finally gave in and whispered to Kaleb how babies are born his response "now that's just gross!" we told him that's why we hadn't told him, he agreed that was a good idea and " I'm gonna pretend ya just poop them out!" apparently that thought is much better than the other!

Kaleb asked me if we could "name the baby a boy name, even though she's a girl, that way I can pretend it's a brother"

Ellie loves to lay her head on my growing belly the other day the baby kicked hard enough for Ellie to feel it she sat up looked at my tummy and said "ooohh I don't like that!" then she put her mouth right up to my belly and yelled "STOP IT RIGHT NOW BABY!"

After an episode of morning sickness Ellie asked what was wrong I told her it was because of the baby, she patted my tummy and said softly "baby stop make momma sick that's not nice."

Kaleb tells people "my mom has an alien in her tummy"

Ok so those are just some of the things they have said, at least the ones I can remember, they crack me up they are definitely making things more fun and interesting with this baby.


  1. Yay Congrats on having another girl. How did I not know you were pregnant? I need to pay better attention.

  2. Heather, I am so so happy for you! After everything you've gone through to get to this point, it makes my heart happy to see you preparing to be a mommy again!
