cracks me up!! Marryne has quite an imagination, I always her hear talking to herself or her "little friends" which could be anything by the way like tooth brushes, combs, hair brushes, toothpaste, wash clothes, and some toys to but really she plays with EVERYTHING, I really don't think there is anything in this house that she couldn't find entertaining. Aside from playing she uses her imagination to come up with concept like how we had her baby sister, this is her explanation "Mommy went to the Dr. cause she touched banana's, and then baby Ellie popped out, if mommy touches a lots of banana's we are gonna have lots of babies!" no lie that's what she thinks, now we could correct her and tell her how it REALLY works, but both my hubby and I decided we are not quite ready for that talk yet! Oh yeah and for those of you who don't know I am allergic to banana's! I love my girl and her imagination!
Along with Ryne's imagination comes attitude which my mother would tell you she got from me(which I'm sure she did)! Yesterday we ran to Big Lots to get some stuff to make Christmas gifts, when we were leaving the store Ryne saw a man that looked a lot like Santa driving a Suburban she asked me if it was Santa and I said I didn't think so,to which she replied with "He may not be wearing his red suit and I don't know where his reindeer are, but that was him MOMMY!!! after I giggled I said "oh yea!?" she said yes and then continued to ask many questions like "Why wasn't he wearing his suit?","where are his reindeer?","what was he doing in the store?Didn't the elves make all the toys?", to which I replied "He only wears his red suit on Christmas Eve and Christmas, his reindeer are at the north pole resting, maybe there are some things the elves can't make and that's why he was at the store". She was quiet for a few minutes so I thought the conversation was over until she said "well that's DUMB!" What? we asked, she said "that his reindeer are resting, I mean really they only work 2 days a year how much resting could they need!? I really wanted to see his reindeer, and I think that he doesn't wear the red suit all the time cause it makes him look FAT I mean really really FAT, and those elves need to go to school to learn how to make the really cool stuff so that Santa doesn't have to come out with out all of his gear!!" to this my only response was to laugh, she dropped the subject after that and hasn't really talked about it since, now I am wondering when we go to take her to see Santa if she is going to tell him what she thinks, if so I think she is going to get coal this year!! :)
To side track a bit I am doing a giveaway on my hair blog Goldylocks and her 2 girls check it out maybe you will win!!
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